Gangrene or a bruise?


Microbrewing Chickenologist
12 Years
Nov 25, 2007
High Desert, CA
As a few of you know, two of my hens were attacked by two miniature pinschers. They are both doing well and seem to be healing fine. But!! (doesn't there always seem to be a but!?) of my hens has pale green spots near, but not on one of her wounds areas. The green areas are under skin and a pale green color. I think they look like bruises, but my DH-to-be thinks it may be gangrene. She has a few in the area, not together, but in separate areas and all about 1/2 inch or more from a wound. I looked online for gangrene pictures (GROSS!) and they are not the dark, olive green, but rather a light green color. They are not swollen or anything either. Like I said, I think they are bruises. She has been on antibiotics since she got hurt and the wounds are irrigated daily (or more often). So far she seems to be free of infection. They were attacked early Saturday morning, so it has been about the right time for a bruise to show up, but not be a dark black/purple bruise. DH-to-be says bruises are usually green. How can I tell the difference between a green bruise and gangrene?
I would check for odor. Gangrene has a foul odor (no pun intended), a bruise wouldn't.
So go ahead and get right in there and sniff your chicken
, we've all been there at one time or another nothing to feel awkward about. Just dont let the neighbors catch you or you'll become the crazy chicken person instantly!
I agree with Bird Brain ( I like that ). I would think that it would really have a nasty smell.

Gangrene is dying flesh, I am not sure thats its been enough time since the dog attack for it to be gangrene.

Is she still eating and drinking?

I remember where she is hurt... go ahead and sniff , I think we are all a little chicken crazy here. LOL But..I think the smell would be quite obvious.
She smells like a chicken. :) Granted a hurt chicken (chicken with a hint of Betadine), but nonetheless, she does NOT smell like rotting flesh. She is eating, drinking and walking around just fine. All of her wounds look like they are healing well. I think DH-to-be is just being a worry wort about every little thing with the two hens that are injured right now. I am sure it is just a pretty green colored bruise. I will look again this evening when I get home and check again just to keep an eye on it. It wouldn't just start in a random spot near a wound right? I could understand if it was an extremity, but this is on her back! She has a bald spot on her wing (neither of the two hens are feather pluckers that we've noticed before) and she hasn't molted yet, so I think she is starting to molt too. I won't be surprised if we start seeing more bruising once her feathers are thinned out. Poor girl!
I did not know that! Thanks, Bird-Brain! I will definitely keep an eye on it. She is so patient when we clean her wounds, which is nice! The skin all around the "green" spots are the healthy pinkish-yellow chicken skin color. I smelled the questionable area just a few moments ago and she definitely smells like a chicken. Nothing funky!
Thats great news !! I love that we all can smell our chickens here and thats perfectly acceptable LOL.

Maybe try some scrambled egg for the protein ( just a little boost) . You can also give her 3 drops of poly-visol vitamins ( no iron) .

She'll be fine ..she has a good mom:)
Thanks! She smells better today than she did the other day! DH-to-be made the two injured girls a yogurt, peach, banana and raw garlic smoothie. They LOVED it! However, they REEKED of garlic for a good 12 hours! HA HA We've given them a couple scrambled eggs over the last few days. Especially for Frenchie (the other injured hen) since she has been eating light since she started molting a few weeks ago. That or she is just getting too used to being spoiled in the house and wants only real food now...not her lay pellets!

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