Goat shedding weird???


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 26, 2014
So my Nigerian dwarf goat has been shedding kinda funny lately.

It's the middle of December in Phx, AZ (so really not that cold), and she has been losing some of their hair. Not just the under, warm coat, but the longer hairs. Is this normal?

We just got them about 2 months ago, and they have been fine. And my other Alpine goat is fine, no hair loss.

She's acting normal, happy, etc. Eating, drinking, and all that business is just fine.

Any ideas as to why this is happening? Thanks!
So my Nigerian dwarf goat has been shedding kinda funny lately.

It's the middle of December in Phx, AZ (so really not that cold), and she has been losing some of their hair. Not just the under, warm coat, but the longer hairs. Is this normal?

We just got them about 2 months ago, and they have been fine. And my other Alpine goat is fine, no hair loss.

She's acting normal, happy, etc. Eating, drinking, and all that business is just fine.

Any ideas as to why this is happening? Thanks!

Check her skin closely, any sign of lice? Mites are harder to see, bu a veterinarian can help with that.

As a rule of thumb, skin and hair problems usually mean nutritional deficiencies if external parasites are ruled out. Copper and zinc deficiencies are the biggest culprits in skin and hair problems. What are your goats getting for their mineral needs?
I had a real good look at her, and all I saw was quite a bit of dandruff (any idea on how to fix that?). She doesn't itch like she has lice or anything either, so I'm guessing that's ruled out.

She's getting alfalfa hay and a supplemental grain. Should I pick up a horse mineral block from the feed store? Will that work?
I had a real good look at her, and all I saw was quite a bit of dandruff (any idea on how to fix that?). She doesn't itch like she has lice or anything either, so I'm guessing that's ruled out.

She's getting alfalfa hay and a supplemental grain. Should I pick up a horse mineral block from the feed store? Will that work?

So she has been getting no mineral whatsoever? Guess you found your problem! Fixing her mineral intake will also likely fix the hair loss and dandruff. It will take time to work.

Adding something like a handful of sunflower seeds a day might help clear up some of the dandruff (since they are high in copper and selenium and oil) sooner, in addition to the mineral. I give my goat's the hulled (without shell/hull) kind, just because they are probably easier to digest. But some folks just give their goats strait black oil sunflower seeds, with the hulls on. You can find BOSS in the bird section of your feed store. Don't give much, a little goes a long way with BOSS.

You need to get a goat mineral. Some cattle minerals work, but you likely don't know enough about mineral needs to know what mineral levels in a cattle mix would work. And I have no idea what is available in your area, so yea, just stick with a goat mineral Don't get a sheep mineral, or a horse mineral. All animals have different needs. Also, do not get a mineral block. Instead, get a loose form of mineral that is fed free choice in a pan. Why? The blocks are almost all table salt, and have too little zinc, selenium, copper, etc. for the goat to be healthy. Table salt is a limiter, so they can't eat enough of a block to meet their needs. Loose mineral mixes have very little table salt, so they can consume what they need.

Just keep the mineral pan in a clean, dry place where they can access it. I fill mine up as they lick it up. It is where they cannot step in or soil it.
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Thanks I'm still figuring out this whole goat thing:/:rolleyes:

I'll pick up a loose goat mineral for them.
Thanks so much!

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