good at math? I need help with a feeding question!

Ok, so I was wrong. Caffeine deprivation will do that.

It was an incorrect assumption, not a false one, because it was not deliberate, just so you know.
The oats I've found are available in two varieties: 8% and 16% protien. I was thinking of getting the 16% protein. Should I just feed plain feed? There are alot of conflicting posts here about feeding. Some feed scratch, some dont, still others say use it on the floor of the coop to get the hens to rake it for you, while others say never use it at all because its like candy to them. I may just stay away from the scratch all together until I can be sure...<<puzzled>>

As far as the oats, my kids' 4h project leader recommended we use it to stretch our feed, but use the highest protein oats we can get. Please dont think I'm money motivated in posting this question. I'm not trying to save a buck here, and I dont want them to not get what they need, but if I cut their 18-20% layer ration with a 16% oat ration, and provide oyster shell for calcium, as well as grit and they free range.....wouldn't that be more than sufficient to keep them happy, fat, and healthy? Which would then be a money saver in the long run I suppose... ??
i for 1 sure dont blame you for wanting to keep your feed cost in feed the 16% mix it 50/50 with your layer feed.i fed my hens corn all winter,switched to layer pellets in the eggs wouldnt be so yellow looking in the yolks.feeding straight corn will give you orange i do mean orange yolks lolol.
crunching numbers dont bother used to figuring things right off the top of my head.whats rough is when yall throw a question thats a brainstrainer.

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