Gosling appears to be having trouble breathing


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2022
Hello, I have a pair of two week old goslings I brought home a few days ago and one appears to be having trouble breathing. She is eating, drinking, and pooping normally and I have checked the temperature but she is still having trouble. She is breathing with her mouth open and it appears to be rapid. I can see clearly through her nostrils (sorry i’m new to this i don’t know the proper term). You can see her body moving a lot when she breathes and it seems to be fast and difficult for her. Any Ideas as to why she is doing this, and how to help her?
If the brooder temperature is appropriate and she can blow out her nares, as you've already confirmed, then there a number of potential conditions that can cause labored breathing/respiratory issues in goslings, including aspergillosis and heart problems. What kind of bedding do you have the goslings on?

The fact that she's eating, drinking, and pooping normally is positive, but a vet visit would be best, if that's an option.

Best wishes for your gosling's recovery!
If the brooder temperature is appropriate and she can blow out her nares, as you've already confirmed, then there a number of potential conditions that can cause labored breathing/respiratory issues in goslings, including aspergillosis and heart problems. What kind of bedding do you have the goslings on?

The fact that she's eating, drinking, and pooping normally is positive, but a vet visit would be best, if that's an option.

Best wishes for your gosling's recovery!
Using a towel for bedding, calling the vet now and added a small amount of apple cider vinegar to their water for now, hoping that helps thank you!

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