Greenish white poop and falling


Jan 31, 2022

I just noticed today that my hen had a poopy butt. I gave her a warm bath cleaned her up and dried her off. She was very active while I had her inside so I put her back with her friends when she dried. I went to check on her a few minutes ago and she has pooped again. Runny, darkish lime green and white poop. And now she is falling to the right when she tries to walk. I don’t really have anywhere to keep her separate for longer then a night due to already having some separated. Can anyone give any suggestions as to what might be going on.
The imbalance and speed of the symptoms materializing leads me to suspect toxic poisoning. This can be from petroleum distillates such as hydraulic fluid dripping from a machine onto the soil where chickens pick up grit, insecticides, poisonous plants, and weird, poisonous insects . The symptoms usually develop quickly after exposure. So try to think what your hen was doing right after you put her back out after washing her.
How old is your hen? Has she been laying eggs recently? Can you try giving her some water and Poultry NutriDrench 2 ml orally or electrolytes? Offer some watery chicken feed and scrambled egg after she has been drinking. Has she been eating and drinking normally? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease?

I just noticed today that my hen had a poopy butt. I gave her a warm bath cleaned her up and dried her off. She was very active while I had her inside so I put her back with her friends when she dried. I went to check on her a few minutes ago and she has pooped again. Runny, darkish lime green and white poop. And now she is falling to the right when she tries to walk. I don’t really have anywhere to keep her separate for longer then a night due to already having some separated. Can anyone give any suggestions as to what might be going on.
Make sure she doesn’t have a disease?
The imbalance and speed of the symptoms materializing leads me to suspect toxic poisoning. This can be from petroleum distillates such as hydraulic fluid dripping from a machine onto the soil where chickens pick up grit, insecticides, poisonous plants, and weird, poisonous insects . The symptoms usually develop quickly after exposure. So try to think what your hen was doing right after you put her back out after washing her.
She went into the coop and that’s where I found her the second time. She hasn’t been out of the coop/run area in days due to snow and cold temperatures.
How old is your hen? Has she been laying eggs recently? Can you try giving her some water and Poultry NutriDrench 2 ml orally or electrolytes? Offer some watery chicken feed and scrambled egg after she has been drinking. Has she been eating and drinking normally? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease?
She is around 10 months old. And she has been laying fine! I felt her bum and nothing hard such as a egg.
How old is your hen? Has she been laying eggs recently? Can you try giving her some water and Poultry NutriDrench 2 ml orally or electrolytes? Offer some watery chicken feed and scrambled egg after she has been drinking. Has she been eating and drinking normally? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease?
I am going to bring her in and offer some food and water for the night. I don’t know how to find out what is going on. What can I make for electrolytes? I won’t be able to get out of the house until tomorrow.
If you have Gatoraid, you can give her that for electrolytes. Or stir a teaspoon of sugar into a cup of warm water and add a pinch of salt and baking soda and give that to her to drink. It can sometimes fix a lameness and balance issue if it's caused by dehydration or hypothermia.
Hopefully, she will perk up by morning. Sometimes it is hard to figure out what is wrong with them. Sometimes we only can find out with a necropsy after death if we lose them. Most state vets will do necropsies and test for various diseases, including Mareks if there is suspicion. I do them myself on hens that I lose, and have learned a lot about reproductive disorders. Let us know how she is by morning, and recheck her crop to see if it has emptied.
Her crop does feel quite hard. I have given olive oil and offering water with apply cider vinegar. Anything else y’all suggest I do?
if it is still hard in the morning, her crop may be impacted, in which case a gentle massage with your thumb to break up the mass may help, moving your thumb from the bottom of the crop upwards. You may need to work on it for 15 mins or so.

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