GSE Treatment - Not Drinking Water


Jan 29, 2021
Grapefruit seed extract.

My pullets started having yellow runny noses and nasty smelling breath a couple of days ago, but they are bright-eyed and active and otherwise seem fine. No wheezing but they have been sneezing a bit. I don't need to isolate them because they're the only 3 in the coop right now. I wanted to get some chicks to complete my "herd" but I'm not comfortable bringing any home until my current ones are healthy again (even though I will quarantine first).

I assume a cold and read here on another thread that you can treat with grapefruit seed extract. So, I crushed a pill and mixed it into their water. They don't seem to want to drink the water...and it's their only source of water. I've tried having it in there for two days, but the water level just isn't moving.

I'm thinking the water is bitter probably, is there a way to make it more appealing? Or should I assume the GSE just won't work because they won't consume it and move on to something else? I've never force watered a bird before so I'm nervous about trying to manually put the water in their mouth.

I just wanted to try to treat it the "easy way" first with something in their water.
I have not used GSE, but the symptoms your chickens seem like it could be a respiratory disease such as coryza, a chronic very contagious disease they have for life. The symptoms might improve and they might get better with antibiotics such as bactrim or sulfadimethoxine, but they will remain carriers for life. If you lose one or cull, your state poultry vet could perform a necropsy and testing to tell you what they have. Here is a list of state vets:

Here is some reading about coryza:
I have not used GSE, but the symptoms your chickens seem like it could be a respiratory disease such as coryza, a chronic very contagious disease they have for life. The symptoms might improve and they might get better with antibiotics such as bactrim or sulfadimethoxine, but they will remain carriers for life. If you lose one or cull, your state poultry vet could perform a necropsy and testing to tell you what they have. Here is a list of state vets:

Here is some reading about coryza:

Yes I'm a huge researcher and after hours pouring over articles and forums, I already had come to suspect coryza/a cold and that's why I'm moving to get treatment of them (hence the original question being about consuming GSE rather than trying to diagnose my girls). I did order in GSE drops and so far they seem to be doing well with drinking that up, so hopefully I'll see progress!! :)
Yes I'm a huge researcher and after hours pouring over articles and forums, I already had come to suspect coryza/a cold and that's why I'm moving to get treatment of them (hence the original question being about consuming GSE rather than trying to diagnose my girls). I did order in GSE drops and so far they seem to be doing well with drinking that up, so hopefully I'll see progress!! :)
A hen that was given to me (and is in isolation) seems to have some kind of respiratory issue going on. I tried VetRx and NutriDrench but it didn't seem to help much. I'm going to try GSE now in her water. I read that you only put one drop in 4-6 oz of water. Full strength, it is very bitter. I'd like to know if your chickens did well with this treatment.
A hen that was given to me (and is in isolation) seems to have some kind of respiratory issue going on. I tried VetRx and NutriDrench but it didn't seem to help much. I'm going to try GSE now in her water. I read that you only put one drop in 4-6 oz of water. Full strength, it is very bitter. I'd like to know if your chickens did well with this treatment.
They did! We syringed GSE directly in their mouth for two weeks then added it to their water for another 2 weeks. 2 to 3 drops in a 6mL syringe twice a day. They let my two kids sit with them in their lap and feed it to them. I don't have 2 of the chickens anymore because they turned out to be roos but the other one has been fine ever since and lays daily eggs like a champ.
They did! We syringed GSE directly in their mouth for two weeks then added it to their water for another 2 weeks. 2 to 3 drops in a 6mL syringe twice a day. They let my two kids sit with them in their lap and feed it to them. I don't have 2 of the chickens anymore because they turned out to be roos but the other one has been fine ever since and lays daily eggs like a champ.
I’m so glad your birds recovered! Thanks for the update, it’s helps us learn!
They did! We syringed GSE directly in their mouth for two weeks then added it to their water for another 2 weeks. 2 to 3 drops in a 6mL syringe twice a day. They let my two kids sit with them in their lap and feed it to them. I don't have 2 of the chickens anymore because they turned out to be roos but the other one has been fine ever since and lays daily eggs like a champ.
That's fantastic! I"m gonna give it a shot. Thanks for letting me know~

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