

In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2024
Hello, we are saying hi from the Gulf Coast of Texas! I had chickens growing up, but haven't had any in YEARS! My husband, daughters and I just got our new chicks to start our journey in backyard chickens. We have 6 RIR female chicks right now!
We can't wait to watch them grow and eventually move them into their chicken yard and coop we built for them! Yes they will be spoiled, haha
We enjoy gardening flowers and veggies as a family, I'm love baking and cooking yummy meals, teaching our girls along the way. And my husband makes handcrafted Ulu's and small knives! We have a beautiful 10 year old German Shepherd names Stella. We also own acreage on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska with the dream to develop that over the next 8 years and retire there!!
I stumbled upon BYC a few months ago when we decided to get our chicken adventure going, we received our chicks last week so I came back here for some info and decided, why not join a lovely group like this!!

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