Help…Need Brooder Divider ideas

Before I got the heat plate I had an assortment of different wattage reptile bulbs to use to adjust the heat when just moving the chain didn't work.

I only use the Big Red Bulb in conjunction with the plate when it's dropping close to freezing.
We all have to start somewhere, I used heat lamps for years. The only time I used the actual heat bulbs. Was when I was floor brooding in a coop. During February and March. There was always enough room, that the chicks could find their comfort zone.
We all have to start somewhere, I used heat lamps for years. The only time I used the actual heat bulbs. Was when I was floor brooding in a coop. During February and March. There was always enough room, that the chicks could find their comfort zone.

My favorite part about having the plate is not having to constantly adjust that chain and swap out bulbs.

When it's 50F at night and 80F in the afternoon and you're brooding outdoors there's a lot of temperature juggling to do. But my babies all came out fine. :D

The plate just makes it a lot easier.
My favorite part about having the plate is not having to constantly adjust that chain and swap out bulbs.

When it's 50F at night and 80F in the afternoon and you're brooding outdoors there's a lot of temperature juggling to do. But my babies all came out fine. :D

The plate just makes it a lot easier.

Which plate do you use? I’ve decided I’m going to try plates!!! Plus taking chicks to a swap it will be much easier using a plate.
My favorite part about having the plate is not having to constantly adjust that chain and swap out bulbs.

When it's 50F at night and 80F in the afternoon and you're brooding outdoors there's a lot of temperature juggling to do. But my babies all came out fine. :D

The plate just makes it a lot easier.
I only use radiant heaters and Ohio brooders that are thermostatically controlled now. I have been raising chickens for so long and have a big enough operation. That I can justify the investment cost of them. When I was starting out and just had input cost. I did everything as economically as I possibly could.
I have one very similar. I have brooded several batches of chicks in it as well as ducklings. I brood in my coop.
So far none have struggled to stay warm.
I moved my 12 chicks to a bigger brooder yesterday that is also the same design.

What do you use for heat source? I’ve always used lamps and I think I’m going to take @aart advice and use the 75w reptile bulbs and place right on the top of the hardware cloth lid. I thought about switching to heat plates but it’s going to more of an expense and I hate how dirty the will get! I want simple!!!

Is the bottom of yours open like mine or wrapped any anything? My old one I used in the garage was open and I didn’t have any issues. I’m debating adding something to the bottom of this one or just leaving it open.
Take the guard off the shade and place the lamp right on the mesh.
I use 75W red incandescent reptile lights, with a dimmer extension cord to adjust the heat levels.

This should work right??
What do you use for heat source? I’ve always used lamps and I think I’m going to take @aart advice and use the 75w reptile bulbs and place right on the top of the hardware cloth lid. I thought about switching to heat plates but it’s going to more of an expense and I hate how dirty the will get! I want simple!!!

Is the bottom of yours open like mine or wrapped any anything? My old one I used in the garage was open and I didn’t have any issues. I’m debating adding something to the bottom of this one or just leaving it open.

This year with such early season chicks I closed in one side and the top of mine. my heat lamp....yes red hanging inside it. No I am not worried about fire. It is secured with wire and the water is on the opposite end 6' away.

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