HELP!!! autopsied a presumed dead duck embryo on day 31 and he is alive!!



Apr 3, 2021
I need help with a duckling. I have incubated six eggs, they all hatched on the night of the 28th day, except for one. When candling this egg a week ago I supposed it was dead, because it had a tiny air cell, the duckling didn't fill out the egg like the others and the saw little to no movement. I kept it in the incubator though and left it in there two days after the others had hatched. then I opened it. THE DUCKLING IS FULLY FORMED AND ALIVE!!! it was supposed to be an autopsy not a prison break. He is completely sticky and dried. his yolk is small but not fully absorbed. I put him in a cup in his half shell and in the incubator like I read on here. he's breathing and lightly moving. he has made no progress in the 24 since I opened the shell but he also looks no worse.
can I do something? should I put him out of his misery?
I'd appreciate any advice.
You said he is sticky. I would give him some time to finish absorbing the yolk, if he survives that then in a day or two I would then try to wash the sticky off him- I have had a couple sticky weak chicks that really perked up after a bath got the sticky off them so they could move better.

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