Help...Can hear chick chirp in the egg and do I need to do anything.


9 Years
Dec 2, 2010
Orange County, California (Tustin)
We took our broody hen out to go poop this afternoon and while she was out I decided to candle the eggs quickly and in egg #4 I could hear the chick peeping. I called my son to bring Bertha back in and put her immediately on the eggs again. Egg #4 was the only egg I heard peeping from. I also noticed the air sac has changed size and shape. It has enlarged. I am so scared I have caused grave harm to this chick, and I sure hope not.

How long will the peeping go on but no piping(no shell cracks to show the hatching process is taking place)? My husband and kids have all firmly agreed that if these chicks can not hatch on there own then they would not be good additions to our flock. We believe in survival of the fittest.

We are really hoping that the hen will do her job and I really think she will because we almost lost her a couple weeks ago because she would not leave the nest to eat or drink so she is now residing in my bedroom in a Veri-kennel.

Any advice is welcome so I can have an educated understanding of this process.

Deep breath......................You have not hurt the eggs in the least. Mother Nature is stronger than you think. They can peep a day ahead of pipping. When you hear peeping, they have broken through the air sac internally. They usually rest for a bit, then pip through the shell. Then rest, then start zipping. I wouldn't pull her off the nest anymore - though you can slide your hand under her a bit and take a quick peek here and there. (and remove empty shells) Hatching can be a slooooooow process - especially when you are camped out next to them hatching. Go clean, take a drive, eat dinner - distract yourself.

I'm also moving this to the incubating section for you.
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HappyChooks XOXOX to you for responding. I have been just beside myself wondering what to do. Thank you

This my first hatch and as the same with my first litter of puppy's a couple of years ago it is so nerve racking. We totally agree with not taking Big Bertha out to poop anymore until the hatch is done. I am just worried this is going to take a few days to get through all of the eggs because when I candled them they do are not all the same size, but they were put under her on the same day and time.
There are a total of 4 eggs to hatch.

I am leaving the house to go get my daughter and get some dinner and will be back in a while. I will keep you posted.

Thank you again for your help

Good news!!! The peeping chick hatched this morning probably around 1:30 am or so. My hubby said why don't you give a quick check and there it was nestled under my hen. B.B. is being a very attentive Mother Hen.

I am wondering about on thing though, one of the other eggs got crushed and when I removed it from underneath BB it had not absorbed the yolk yet so I think it was one of the smaller ones that I candled yesterday. I also have and egg that BB cracked last night when the first chick was unzipping its egg. She was very anxious about the movement under her. I put a piece of tape over it and hopefully that chick will survive and hatch out today some time. I quickly candled it and there is movement with in it. I am going to be sad if it doesn't survive. I am really rooting for that chick.

How soon will it be before the hatched chick will eat and drink?
Good news!!! The peeping chick hatched this morning probably around 1:30 am or so. My hubby said why don't you give a quick check and there it was nestled under my hen. B.B. is being a very attentive Mother Hen.

I am wondering about on thing though, one of the other eggs got crushed and when I removed it from underneath BB it had not absorbed the yolk yet so I think it was one of the smaller ones that I candled yesterday. I also have and egg that BB cracked last night when the first chick was unzipping its egg. She was very anxious about the movement under her. I put a piece of tape over it and hopefully that chick will survive and hatch out today some time. I quickly candled it and there is movement with in it. I am going to be sad if it doesn't survive. I am really rooting for that chick.

How soon will it be before the hatched chick will eat and drink?
Good news!!! The peeping chick hatched this morning probably around 1:30 am or so. My hubby said why don't you give a quick check and there it was nestled under my hen. B.B. is being a very attentive Mother Hen.

I am wondering about on thing though, one of the other eggs got crushed and when I removed it from underneath BB it had not absorbed the yolk yet so I think it was one of the smaller ones that I candled yesterday. I also have and egg that BB cracked last night when the first chick was unzipping its egg. She was very anxious about the movement under her. I put a piece of tape over it and hopefully that chick will survive and hatch out today some time. I quickly candled it and there is movement with in it. I am going to be sad if it doesn't survive. I am really rooting for that chick.

How soon will it be before the hatched chick will eat and drink?
Probablies anywere up to 3 days old, just when the mam takes it to

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