HELP early duckling hatch

Diamond Peno

Mar 27, 2015
Sinnamahoning PA
I found one of my ducklings hatching out (have a chicken sitting on them) and it has a huge yoke still. hatching to early. I have the yoke on moist paper towle as I have been through this with friends. This is my 1st time solo. and the 1st one this big.
I did look up distressed ducklings hatching an after a bit when I could see its beak more he was very distressed. I put him back with mommy hen and she tried to help him a little an all was chilled after she got his face uncovered. I think she broke the egg more by stepping on it not meaning to as she dose have chicks herself. When I checked later he was out but noticed huge yoke so pulled him... egg shell bottom was still around it but he is a hyper little early bird an had gotten it off in a mater of mins. I Should I do anymore for the duckling or wait till it shrivels up... an what if he/she tries to get up around in that time with it that large do I just let them?
Also do the yoke and egg part look ok as in the green/yellow color? just checking as the ones before I seen did not look like that. BUT then again as I said never seen them THIS big either... a little smaller.

I have more hatching out now as they are pipping which I just say pecking or breaking out lol my gramps used terms like peck out and cracking open lol.

ps I think I will call him/her Early Bird.... praying that he makes it... pictures show progress throughout the day.... it started this morning... I had to go out but this is what I came back to as in the egg all cracked up like that. He/she to me seems smallish but the egg was smallish to...


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That Duckling won't make it. It's premature..

Then non of them will as I have 4 more this morning just like it. 2 are smaller other 2 larger. all started to pip last night woke up to 4 half out under mom so pulled them and one cracked out dead. that was around 5 am.... now they are almost all out with out no help and 3 large yokes 2 smaller ones like I am use to seeing...
BUT why would they be hatching way early? I have been hearing them IN the egg for 2 to 3 days chirping like crazy at times, some of the eggs are very small and they look cramped hatching out, others have lots of room... could they have heard the 1st one distressing and stated? weather maybe? (we have been having bad storms.)

pictures of them now....they keep breaking out more and are very lively. the 1st one is as well. as in still alive.

Its like what else can I do? dont want them all hatching early an passing.


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Place them all in cups and put them in an incubator or a brooder and hopefully they will finish absorbing the yolk. I wouldn't give up on them, I say expect the worst but hope for the best. It doesn't hurt to give them the best chance
Sorry but I think the Hen did this ..A pip is just a tiny air hole on the egg..Those are all premature as the yolk sack is huge ...

I know they are primes... but yet they all pipped themselves. I think the hen hears them an is starting to peck at them early. not knowing hey its early. she is a 1st time hatching out eggs herself.
I dont help unless I need to help out. I have helped my friends hatch out some before but these ones are way early....the early ones I am use to seeing are just the smaller round ones... but the larger ones I am not. they are alert an active. the way the 1st one looked did not look like a normal zipping but the other 4 did... the chicks where pecking at the eggs more then the hen from what I seen. they were hatched on mothers day. the others are a week older bantams. She was the one who started to cluck all weird to alert me HEY we got something with these eggs I was sleeping an heard her. long story short storm knocked out power for us for 2 days she was out in the coop (cage in front of the nest box she could go in. BUT till the others hatched I took her babies in with the bannies. but the power being out they got to cold when it dropped down cold in here at night. regular chicks fine with pop bottle filled with warm water them where not. mama came in and took them in.
SO should I stick them in my brooder (which I am borrowing) and just wait or what? the 2 dark ducks have pulled out of the bottom part of their shell and are very active. trying to clean them selves the one looks like he is trying to get up on his feet
The other 2 light ones still in the shell. do I keep that moist and leave the shell on them till it absorbs more let them get it off like the others?
Place them all in cups and put them in an incubator or a brooder and hopefully they will finish absorbing the yolk. I wouldn't give up on them, I say expect the worst but hope for the best. It doesn't hurt to give them the best chance

I wont give up on them. where their is a will there is a way. I think some broke out to cramped as the eggs were smallish duck eggs the other ones had some room. just still wondering why they would start to pip early and distress call inside after pipping. unless they heard the other or fluke of some sort. Yes I can do more duck eggs. as I have my eggs picked out to go in to the incubator... as well as mama sitting on them..... I dont want her on 20 some eggs all the time (I threw away the bad ones and non fertile ones she had. blocked her off from the rest as they kept laying in her nest.) BUT I borrowed the brooder and incubator for the just in case she got off early as it goes for me and to hatch some out and do some selective breeding. I have never done this all on my own just helped for years assist friends. BUT the yokes being this big never had happen to me... they have small ones but as they said never give up where their is a will there is a way and things with chickens an ducks always happen just do you best ask what you dont know and keep moving on.

Also the brooder I have I dont have cups that would fit inside them... could they stay in the tray under the heat lamp... the one with the smaller yoke is trying to stand up already... he was the loudest of them all. until they start to get around then I can put them in a tote under heat lamp. The 2 dark one have really shrunk, the white ones are shrinking as they looks a lot smaller then they where. the 2 dark have pulled out of their bottom shells, the other 2 are now starting to really move around an push out of their bottoms.


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