Help! EE walks like penguin, sits like an owl!


6 Years
Nov 7, 2013
Buckeye, AZ
My sister has a 2-1/2 yr old EE who has been going downhill the past few days. She waddles like a penguin, and when she sits, she looks more like an owl than a chicken. Walking is unstable, falls a lot (fell down the whole ramp today). She eats and drinks but stopped laying. She doesn't appear to be egg-bound - can't feel any egg buildup. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
Most likely egg bound even if you can't feel an egg... Can you watch her for a bit and see if she pants and strains at all?

Another possibility is a break in the pelvic area, last time I saw a hen walking like that she did live for a few months but then died.

Best wishes.
I would put on a rubber glove, and insert a finger into the vent 1-2 inches to examine for a stuck egg. It's also possible that she is suffering from internal laying, or egg yolk peritonitis. Waddling like a penguin is common, sitting a lot after walking a short distance. They usually are not laying, and may pass droppings that are loose or sometimes contain a cooked egg material. Here is some information to read about it:

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