Help! Fox...staring at my chickens !! Hot wire, hardware cloth apron or ?

We had a fox get 3 of our four chickens, dug under the fence while my husband was out walking the dog- who wanders through our fenced in yard all the time so his smell was around just not him. This fox had been around for days and seemed to realize my husband walks the dog at the same time every day. When he got home the fox was carting off the last chicken but the dog took after hime and he dropped it, fortunately she was only slightly worse for the adventure and her feathers quickly grew back. Our yard is now much more secure and the girls no longer have as big a yard but no one can get in.
We had a fox get 3 of our four chickens, dug under the fence while my husband was out walking the dog- who wanders through our fenced in yard all the time so his smell was around just not him. This fox had been around for days and seemed to realize my husband walks the dog at the same time every day. When he got home the fox was carting off the last chicken but the dog took after hime and he dropped it, fortunately she was only slightly worse for the adventure and her feathers quickly grew back. Our yard is now much more secure and the girls no longer have as big a yard but no one can get in.

Sorry for your loss Thanks for sharing the story.

We know the fox is around and can tell its path from the footprints in the snow. Chickens are not going out of their smaller secured run until we can work on the fence!
Sorry for your loss Thanks for sharing the story.

We know the fox is around and can tell its path from the footprints in the snow. Chickens are not going out of their smaller secured run until we can work on the fence!

Thought I'd share the foot prints of the fox.

We were able to track the footprints in our back yard to see its activities - it went through our driveway, front yard, and even went on our back porch!!!

We measured the strides and estimate its body length without head and tail is about 28-30 inches. The full body length must be about 3 - 3.5 ft. A big fox!!
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Thought I'd share the foot prints of the fox.
View attachment 2979859

We were able to track the footprints in our back yard to see its activities - it went through our driveway, front yard, and even went on our back porch!!!

We measured the strides and estimate it's body length without head and tail is about 28-30 inches. The full body length must be about 3 - 3.5 ft. A big fox!!
Yeah, they can be pretty bold. We have cameras and have seen them close to the house, coop area, and the building out back. They actually prefer hidden areas and don't like being out in the open. I haven't seen the fox since fall - no tracks and not on camera. So, I'd be very cautious with your birds if the fox is making appearances. It's looking for food and weak areas to get to the food.
Thought I'd share the foot prints of the fox.
View attachment 2979859

We were able to track the footprints in our back yard to see its activities - it went through our driveway, front yard, and even went on our back porch!!!

We measured the strides and estimate it's body length without head and tail is about 28-30 inches. The full body length must be about 3 - 3.5 ft. A big fox!!
There is a small patch by the South-facing French Doors into the den where the snow has melted. This morning there was a big fox sitting on the patio in that sunny spot having a good scratch!
I think that these prints by the Chicken Palace may be coyote rather than fox. Clever of you to measure stride and estimate size. I should do that.
If you are replacing the chicken wire, you will want to opt for something smaller than the 2"x4" welded wire or you will be fighting off wild birds. Ask me how I know. Plus, anything can grab a chicken or duck through that size of gaps without added protection like a hot wire.
I have the 2"x4" because the guys installing told my husband if a predator is going to get in, they will get in no matter what. I remind him every day when I go out there and have to deal with wild bird crap.
I have an electric hot wire around the bottom at 3" and 6". I recommend 3" up due to snow. I sweep it off, but keeping up with snow on the bottom wire can be an issue. I do have an issue with a fox, but it has never gotten into the run. No digging and no jumping. The hotwire keeps it away. Plus, the run is like 8 foot tall and covered. I don't have any other predators that come into my yard, but I am surrounded by them as we live in the country. I also have an apron dug around the outer edge of the run.
May I ask what kind of wild bird problem you speak of? As in what birds and what problem do they cause? I can't imagine our wild bird causing an issue for our new coop. TIA

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