Help!! My baby turkey crys TONS at night!


Apr 6, 2016
I have 2 baby turkeys! And the one chirps tons at night. Ushally quiets down when I come around. Not sure if it's a male or female.. help! Would like some sleep and it's keeping my other chicks/turks up..
It is probably crying for its mother. Perhaps it thinks you are its mom. Personally, I'd put it in a box where it could see me or put it outside where you can't hear it. I'd opt for the first option because I am a sucker for baby animals.
Turkey are loud, that includes the poults. My group last year wouldn't shut up. They think I'm their mom and peep loudly when I leave them. It's normal. I wouldn't brood them in the house.
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How many other are with your new turkey it isn't by itself is it ? If so get your baby a mirror so it can see itself in the Mirror sounds funny but look at house birds that are in the house most people put a mirror in the cage I know funny but I had to do that with a full grown Gander once ..

I would suggest socializing that one as much as possible. Mars my BBB Hen was like that and now we're almost inseparable. She's a year old and still cries for me when she can't see me. I know it's a little inconvenient but every night spend 30 minutes to an hour with him and you'll have a great pet and he should let you sleep at night. I did have to set up a bed on my night stand for Mars until she was old enough to really be outside and she still gets to sleep with me from time to time

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