Help, my goose is making strange noises!

Leader Bee

Jun 22, 2018

That grumbly sound isn't the wind being picked up by the microphone, it's beep beeps tummy! It's definitely not his breathing so I'm not worried about aspergillosis but he hasn't ever made this sound before...I thought it could be indigestion or grit being mixed around in his gizzard/crop? But like I said, I've near heard this before and I can hear it when I'm stood away from him so it's really loud...I hope he isn't sick! He has access to food at all times so any ideas what's going on???

Sometimes I’ve heard really loud stomach growling from my Buff goose Apricot when she has a stomach ache, she very sensitive and gets stomach aches when she’s upset after Leo or Friday are mean to her. She’ll stand in one place with her head tucked and squint her eyes too.
I’ve heard loud growling occasionally from the others but they’ve acted completly normal when it’s happening, no squinting or head tucking so I don’t think they had a stomach ache.

That grumbly sound isn't the wind being picked up by the microphone, it's beep beeps tummy! It's definitely not his breathing so I'm not worried about aspergillosis but he hasn't ever made this sound before...I thought it could be indigestion or grit being mixed around in his gizzard/crop? But like I said, I've near heard this before and I can hear it when I'm stood away from him so it's really loud...I hope he isn't sick! He has access to food at all times so any ideas what's going on???

I am taking a shot here since this is a older post. But did you ever find out what that sound is? My french Toulouse who is 5 years old now just started that sound this morning. Never have I heard her make this sound. She is fine other wise and I gave her some pain meds thinking its a GI upset. But I have been searching online looking for this sound and nothing is coming up. My girl is notorious for eating paper towels and then me being in vetted thinking OMG its an obstruction. But it has stopped about 30 mins after I started to hear it.
I am taking a shot here since this is a older post. But did you ever find out what that sound is? My french Toulouse who is 5 years old now just started that sound this morning. Never have I heard her make this sound. She is fine other wise and I gave her some pain meds thinking its a GI upset. But I have been searching online looking for this sound and nothing is coming up. My girl is notorious for eating paper towels and then me being in vetted thinking OMG its an obstruction. But it has stopped about 30 mins after I started to hear it.
let me forward this to @Goosebaby Leader Bee lost one of his boys last year and re-homed the other one to a special home so I am not able to pull him up.
I am taking a shot here since this is an older post. But did you ever find out what that sound is? My french Toulouse who is 5 years old now just started that sound this morning. Never have I heard her make this sound. She is fine other wise and I gave her some pain meds thinking its a GI upset. But I have been searching online looking for this sound and nothing is coming up. My girl is notorious for eating paper towels and then me being in vetted thinking OMG its an obstruction. But it has stopped about 30 mins after I started to hear it.
It could just be normal stomach grumbling, it can happen when they’ve eaten something that makes them gassy.
It can be a sign of some intestinal issues like a partial obstruction, parasites, or infection.

if she’s acting normal I’d say she’s probably fine but just in case keep an eye out for any changes in her behavior like depression “sitting around more often, not following the flock or not as engaging with them,“ not eating as much, changes in her droppings “overly runny, bubbly, mucousy, or odd color changes like yellow, red, pink, orange, or black.

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