Hen has had Vent Gleet or at least a month. Help needed and greatly appreciated.


Apr 30, 2022
A month of two ago some of my hens got brutaly attacked by some mean hens (which I DO NOT have anymore).
They got their vents attacks severely. I've been watching them and I thought they were recovering well.
They had some weird discharge which I didn't take to concern because I thought it was part of there recovery.
Some of them recovered completely on there own.
Today in particular 3 of my hens smelled horrible. They did stink before but not this bad. I looked it up and realized some of my beloved hens have vent gleet.
How should I treat them? I am willing to give them time consuming treatment if it will save them.
Later today I will give them espom salt bathes and separate them from the rest of my flock after work.
Will they be OK since they have had this for at least a month?
Help is greatly appreciated.

P.S. One of the 3 hens was free ranging yesterday and it suddenly rained, I am worried she might be chilled because today is looking off.
Any advice?
Any Advice is greatly needed and appreciated.
Monistat orally
Dosage: cut ovules into thirds. Feed one piece to the chicken twice a day for 7 days.
*1 week withdrawal from last dose*
Cut one suppository into 1/3 and give orally once a day for a week. You can also give .0.25 cc Monistat cream orally twice a day for a week.
Also put the cream on the outside of the vent on the raw inflamed areas
It would be good for the hens also to have a probiotic and vitamins.

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