Hen with Bald Red Belly - what is it?

Did you ever really find out what caused that hens red butt and thinning feathers? I've had a hen with the same issue for 6 months and I've cleaned everything with bleach and gave her a dust bath in food grade Datamations earth. What happen to the hen?
Please let me know?
I too have had something similar on my hens neck & chest. No one really knows...some say mites, others depluming mites. Haven't seen any tho. Here's a photo

We've had her separated for almost a week now & have dusted the whole flock with DE as well as sevin. How long should I keep her separated? We already had a problem trying to reintroduce her after only 2 days when she was attacked.
Did you find out what was causing this red belly/bald condition? I have a hen that has had this for several months now. I feel terrible since her belly is also very hot. While I would think it was an infection, she continues to eat and lay. She certainly looks the thinnest of the flock. Help!
I have a similar problem. I brought in a chicken with mites surprise to me. none of my local vets or feed stores have anything to treat them that isn't toxic (ie busting powder). I've been trying a garlic solution. 10 ounce of water 1 tsp of essential oil ( I used lavender) 2 ounce of garlic juice. Mixed in a spray bottle sprayed the vent and under wings and back of tail and neck and this seemed to work. Plus i disinfected the coop. Hope this helps
I think I finally found the culprit(s). What a mess! Just a few weeks ago I found a few white mites/lice at night. Never could find them on any of the chickens bodies, but did a complete decontamination of the coop, or so I thought. Been trying to see if they were still there since then, but couldn't find anything on the birds, eggs, or with a flashlight. Well, all of a sudden I can across this disaster:


I am sure they are what is responsible for the funny tummy. It looks like several different things to me. Recommendations for people's favorite approaches (most effective, least hazardous with respect to egg eating, other pets, kids, etc.) for getting rid of these horrible things would be great. I'll read previous posts and stuff in the learning center, too. Aside from the bare belly, I don't see any other evidence on the birds themselves. Are my chickens doing OK?
We have red belly too. What worked for us was a lime wash. Treat your birds with whatever you use ( not the lime) and then empty your coop of what can be taken out then mix your lime powder with water, some say say add salt to make it stick to tha wall, that’s what we did (there’s a ton of info on this online) and paint every surface , walls, where they sit, everywhere. On the floor I just sprinkle dry. It’s non toxic. Everyone did this 50 years ago. You’ll have to do it yearly. We’re up again this spring, just waiting for some warmer weather but it works like a charm
I think I finally found the culprit(s). What a mess! Just a few weeks ago I found a few white mites/lice at night. Never could find them on any of the chickens bodies, but did a complete decontamination of the coop, or so I thought. Been trying to see if they were still there since then, but couldn't find anything on the birds, eggs, or with a flashlight. Well, all of a sudden I can across this disaster:


I am sure they are what is responsible for the funny tummy. It looks like several different things to me. Recommendations for people's favorite approaches (most effective, least hazardous with respect to egg eating, other pets, kids, etc.) for getting rid of these horrible things would be great. I'll read previous posts and stuff in the learning center, too. Aside from the bare belly, I don't see any other evidence on the birds themselves. Are my chickens doing OK?
My hens belly looks the exact same! What in the world ☹️ The other girls don’t have this and they all use the same 2 nesting boxes. What is that in the picture that you found? Mites? Where in the coop did you find it? This is such a relief someone else has this going on too. Thank you for starting this post!
Some of my hens and two of my cocks have the same issue. Living in the Highlands of Scotland it's very wet a lot of the time and they free range a lot in my back garden etc so out on grass a lot. But have a feeling it's something to do with the coupe so I'm going to try the lime powder thanks for that advice. How did the lady with the mites do? I used to use red mite powder and Damascus Earth I'm have to admit that this problem has seemed to Arisen since I stopped using it the last few months so I might lime the place and then try my original Solutions. Good luck all
My hens belly looks the exact same! What in the world ☹️ The other girls don’t have this and they all use the same 2 nesting boxes. What is that in the picture that you found? Mites? Where in the coop did you find it? This is such a relief someone else has this going on too. Thank you for starting this post!
Me too…Is there topical to put on red skin to relieve the redness?
My hens belly looks the exact same! What in the world ☹️ The other girls don’t have this and they all use the same 2 nesting boxes. What is that in the picture that you found? Mites? Where in the coop did you find it? This is such a relief someone else has this going on too. Thank you for starting this post!
mine too..she acts fine, red featherless belly … a bit skinnier..waiting for a warm nice day to power wash and change up deep litter and nesting boxes etc.. her head too a little..other chickens are fine..I don’t see anything on herI wiped where she roosts, nothing on white cloth.
may ask how do lice/mites get in a coop..no mice or voles can get in..they haven’t free ranged….bedding comes from a bag..
What topical cream would calm the redness..how would I know if fungal?


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I think I finally found the culprit(s). What a mess! Just a few weeks ago I found a few white mites/lice at night. Never could find them on any of the chickens bodies, but did a complete decontamination of the coop, or so I thought. Been trying to see if they were still there since then, but couldn't find anything on the birds, eggs, or with a flashlight. Well, all of a sudden I can across this disaster:


I am sure they are what is responsible for the funny tummy. It looks like several different things to me. Recommendations for people's favorite approaches (most effective, least hazardous with respect to egg eating, other pets, kids, etc.) for getting rid of these horrible things would be great. I'll read previous posts and stuff in the learning center, too. Aside from the bare belly, I don't see any other evidence on the birds themselves. Are my chickens doing OK?
What is those spots?

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