here's where I dump my writing snippets stuff so I don't have to spend a million hours finding them later- mostly of feathers and flames canon stuff


eepy thing =w=
Sep 13, 2020
your walls ;3
Owl watched the copper dragonet from a distance. The unfamiliar dragon was small, covered in shimmering copper feathers Owl had never seen before. She was sitting and looking into a small forest stream, her wings drooping. She didn’t look like much of a threat.
Owl approached, making sure to keep away from piles of leaves and large branches. She stopped a safe distance away before sitting on her haunches and clearing her throat. The copper dragonet’s head whipped up and she yelped, almost toppling over into the stream. Was it just Owl or did she… glow?
“Hey,” Owl said, curling her tail in to try to look small and non threatening.
“H-hi,” the copper dragon squeaked, spreading her wings and cowering away from Owl.
“What are you doing here?” Owl asked gently. The small dragonet seemed ready to bolt. She turned wide, blue eyes on Owl. “I was- I was just going for a walk!” she said, picking at a root under her talons. Owl narrowed her eyes. “What’s your name?” she asked suspiciously. The copper dragonet didn’t meet her eyes.
“P-phoenix,” she whispered.
“Very pretty name.” mused Owl. Phoenix blushed, and it seemed that a wave of heat wafted off of her. “Would you mind coming back with me for dinner?” Owl asked, holding out a talon. The dragonet seemed hesitant, she eventually nodded
Owl leapt into the blue sky, looking back to make sure the younger dragonet was following. She saw her winging along behind, almost clinging to Owl’s tail. Owl noticed that she avoided touching the tree branches and fallen leaves. I wonder why. She could see her small camp setup in the distance. What she didn’t see was the dragon below.
A torpedo of black scales shot up from below the trees, tackling Owl out of the air. She gave a cry of alarm before twisting free and whirling to face her attacker. By the time she had turned, her enemy was already barreling towards her. Before Owl could react, a blur of copper feathers collided with the black dragon. There was a yell of surprise as they went crashing down to the
floor and Owl dove after them. What she saw made her stop in her tracks.
Phoenix had the black dragon pinned, and her feathers were pulsing with orange light. Flames licked along her spine and across her wings, and smoke was rising from her feathers. The black dragon had a look of terror on his face. Phoenix must have heard Owl land because she turned, her eyes glowing like cold flames, as if blue fire was blazing inside. She looked back down at the dragon under her talons in surprise. She looked hesitant and the NightWing took it as an opportunity to roll away and leapt into the air. The dragon bolted into the sky, soon a black speck winging away into the sky. Owl looked at Phoenix in shock. “What the-” she whispered. Phoenix’s feathers faded into a dark, dusty orange, and she was breathing heavily. Phoenix met Owls eyes before slumping to the floor, smoke smoldering from her copper plumage.

Owl looked down at her for a minute before leaning down and hauling her on top of her back before launching in the air, winging away towards camp.
By the time they arrived, Owl's wings felt like they were going to fall off. She stumbled into an empty clearing on the edge of a cliff, Phoenix sliding unceremoniously to the ground, wings askew.
Panting, Owl grabbed her from beneath the arms and began dragging her to a sheltered cave at the edge of the clearing. Multiple times she tripped over her own tail, almost dropping her cargo in the process. But finally, finally she made it to the cave opening. She laid Phoenix carefully on the ground, putting some soft moss beneath her head. Wow. She was out. Owl stepped away and flapped down to a creek nearby, scooping some water in a wooden bowl her friend, (significant other? Owl wasn't sure.) Spitfire had carved. Spitfire was a big CloudWing with dark feathers. Owl quickly flew back to the cave, promptly splashing the water on Phoenix's face. She woke up with a start, spluttering and the copper color blazing back into her feathers with a scorching blast of heat. Phoenix spotted Owl with a start, triggering another wave of heat to go crackling around the cave. Owl took a step back from the uncomfortable heat, fanning her wings lightly to try and circulate the now-stuffy air.
Phoenix gave her an apologetic glance, twitching her wings back nervously. “Are you alright?” asked Owl gently, trying to catch the flighty dragonet's eyes. Phoenix gave a slight nod, just the tiniest twitch of her head.
Owl sat down.“So,” she said conversationally, giving the copper dragonet a sideways look to gauge her reaction. Phoenix flinched, probably guessing what Owl was going to ask. Owl plowed on ahead. "Why do your feathers… do…. that?” Being straightforward is probably the best way to go about this, Owl thought. Phoenix gave her a look of pure panicked thinking before whispering, so softly Owl had to lean in to hear, “I don't know.” She glanced at Owl before saying, a little bit louder, “I hatched like this.” Owl nodded, but she str. The heat in the room was beginning to become uncomfortably hot, like the oxygen in the room was being burned out. "Would you like to come outside with me?” Owl asked, holding out a talon to the nervous dragonet. Owl felt like she was being suffocated in this cave. Phoenix nodded and took her talon. Owl winced at the searing heat, and the little copper dragon noticed and pulled her talon back as if bitten.
Owl pretended she didn’t notice. Owl stepped outside, breathing in the fresh,clean air. She saw a dark shape descending from the sky with something in its talons. “Spitfire!” she called, watching as the shape started with surprise before hurrying down. Spitfire was a large CLoudWing that looked like the dragon version of a kestrel. He dropped a large net of fish and the forest grass and the not on the top slipped loose, spilling silvery, stinky fish all over the place. Owl snatched one up and threw it at Spitfire. “Hey!” he yelped, lifting up his talons to fend off the next fish Owl was hurling at him. Phienix laughed, and Spitifire peered around Owl to look. “Who’s this?” he asked, looking the dragonet up and down. Owl opened one wing to shield Phoenix and pointed her talon at him. “This” she said, “Is Phoenix.” she met Spitfire’s eyes. “And I think shes important.”

(theres more but the rest is largely irrelevant and NOT CANON) (this thing is a few years old and thus highly outdated but like- its ok)
Hey, did you know you could start a Conversation with yourself and save it there? Or, you can create an article and add stuff there if you want it all sharable. Just some ideas if you want your work somewhere easier to find (unless you're bookmarking this thread). ;)
(not of feathers of flames, Ivory Rain takes place in a different au)

Ivory raced after Bright through the canyons, chasing his bright golden tail around a corner. She knew she could never catch him, her being a RainWing and him a SkyWing, but it was fun to try. She folded her wings and dove beneath an outcropping of rock. Bright turned around long enough to taunt her before shooting away again. “You cant caaaatch me!” he called, the sound echoing along the canyon. She pumped her wings faster, going near the top of the canyon, almost above him and diving down. Bright looked up with wide blue eyes and swooped down, where the walls were closer together and there were treacherous rock formations all around. Brights big wings were more clumsy, since the SkyWing was used to racing in the wide open sky. Ivory, on the other talon, was used to the close packed environment of the rainforest. She shot in front of him, tucking her wings close and flying in quick bursts, using her tail to maneuver. “Hey!” Bright yelled, almost crashing into a branch. “That's cheating!”
Ivory laughed and swept away triumphantly.
Suddenly she felt a whoosh of hot air above her and saw Bright’s golden orange shape soaring up, the sun shining through his wings and showing the golden veins that ran through them. Ivory clenched her teeth and was after him in a flash. Not this time. She laughed and the two dragons darted away like a pair of ribbons dancing in the air.

Later, Ivory and Bright sat at the top of the canyon, looking down at the river that meandered through it.
“Why can't I come visit your house?” Bright asked, tilting his head. Ivory sighed. Not this again. “Your a firescales, Bright. I live in the rainforest. The entire thing would be ashes if you visited.”
Brights wings drooped. He looked at the ground and began drawing patterns on the rocks with the scorch marks his talons left. "But… maybe if I was really, really careful?” he asked, putting on his most winning smile. Ivory looked away, at the grassy meadows that rolled behind her. But maybe… Ivory tried to shut down her line of thought right away, but her stupid brain continued. I do live in a clearing…. Maybe if I cleared the leaves until there was just bare ground, it could work. Ivory shook her head. “Maybe sometime, Bright.” she met his eyes. She reached out with one of her pale pink wings, stopping a foot from touching. Bright looked at her wing hovering inches from her scales and tears filled his eyes, hissing into steam the minute they touched his scales. “Three moons,” he muttered, rubbing his eyes. “Can't even cry.” He wiped his eyes and looked away. After a moment he stood up and took off, beating away from her. Ivory sadly watched him until his shape disappeared from the sky.

Today was the day! Ivory's mind was screaming as she cleared dry leaves and sticks from the clearing her and her parents lived in. She carried in large rocks and put them in the middle. Bright was coming to visit for the first time today. She was excited and terrified at the same time. What if something happened? What if her choice caused the entire rainforest to burn down? She pushed the thought out of her head and shook out her wings. It's no use worrying.
Bright arrived at noon. Ivory saw his reflective scales flashing from a distance, and she rose up into the sky so he could see her. She saw him spot her and begin a fast descent. “Ivory!” he called.

“Hello there, stranger!” Ivory yelled back. Bright was close enough to where she could see him wrinkle his snout. “Haha, very funny,” Bright said sarcastically. “So,” he said, “This is the rainforest?”
"Yup.” Ivory said, spreading her wings at the wide expanse of trees.
“Its so… big,” Bright said, making Ivory laugh.
"Come on!” Ivory said, tilting her head at the clearing below. She twisted backwards and began to freefall towards the ground, flaring her wings a few feet above the ground and landing neatly. She watched in amusement as Bright flapped after her, landing on one of the large rocks she had placed. He curled his tail over her talons, one of his claws slipping off the rock, almost giving Ivory a heart attack. Bright saw her expression and quickly recovered, gripping the rock with his claws. “So,” he said. “What should we do?”

Ivory and Bright talked and played games for hours, until it was almost dark. Bright's scales gave off a soft glow in the darkness that pulsed when he laughed. Suddenly his ears pricked. “Did you hear that?” he whispered. Ivory shook her head, twisting her neck to look behind her. Her albinism meant her hearing was a little compromised. Bright stared into the dark. Ivory hardly dared to breathe. Was that the snap of a branch? The breathing of some unknown beast? Suddenly she saw something. A large shape lit in moonlight, coming towards them.
Before Ivory could react, Bright had lunged off his rock, smoke trailing from his scales. “Bright!” Ivory screamed, watching as he tore into the undergrowth his wing brushing a huge banyan tree, which instantly burst into flames. She flew after him, not thinking of the consequences. A trail of burnt plants and scorched ground revealed his path like a long black snake. “Bright!” Before she knew it, she was surrounded by an inferno. She stood in a ring of dancing flames. She looked up, seeing the moon shining brightly above. Unfurling her wings, she leapt into the air. She was halfway up, halfway to freedom and safety when she heard the sound of wood cracking. She didnt have time to turn around before a massive impact slammed into her back, a flaming tree with burning leaves scorching her scales like a thousand stinging bees. She heard screaming, but she wasnt sure from where. She was dazed with terror and pain.
Ivory didn't know how long she was there, burning. Suddenly she felt strong talons grab hers. A reassuring voice met her ears. “It's going to be alright,” it said.
Ivory felt strange. The voice got quieter, then louder. Ivory suddenly felt the massive pressure on her back lift. The pain was so terrible it buzzed in her ears. She felt darkness trying to claim her, and she let it.

Ivory thought she was dead up until she wasn't. She woke up in a sunny room that faded in and out of focus. She blinked. The room became clear again, allowing Ivory to see the pale blue dragon watching her from the doorway. “Hey there,” the dragon said, her scales shimmering with an iridescent yellow wave. Ivory blinked again and tried to raise her head. Burning pain shuddered through her and she gasped. She slowly, slowly twisted her head around and was horrified at what she saw. Long, blistering burns ran all along her right side. The edge of her right wing was scorched and curled, and her talons were blistered, bubbly messes. She slammed her eyes shut. “Don't try to get up,” advised the blue dragon. “My names Lily, by the way.” she tilted her head. Lily had a graceful long snout, long horns and a powerful, muscular looking body. She carried a blowgun around her neck and wore a belt kind of thing with darts in it. “I…. I'm Ivory,” said Ivory, closing her eyes against the pain. “Where's Bright? And my parents?” she asked.
Lily looked a little confused. “We didn't rescue any other dragons from the fire,” she said gently. “I'm sorry.”

At first Ivory was confused. Her parents didn't make it out? They could’nt be dead. And Bright?
"Did you see a SkyWing?” she asked.
Lily wrinkled her snout. “A SkyWing?” she asked. "Why would a SkyWing be here?”
“He- he was my friend. A firescales SkyWing.” Something changed in Ivory then. Bright was the reason her parents were probably dead and her home burned. He was the reason she looked like this and possibly might never be the same again. Ivory had always been scorned for her white scales and the way she couldnt change them, and the way she couldn't have suntime with the other RainWings since she sunburned so easily. Now she was probably scarred for life.
“The- the SkyWing did this.” she said, a little firmer.
Lily growled. “He will pay for destroying part of our home.” Red crept up along her wings and ruff. A small part of Ivory was worried for Bright, but she would never think of Bright as a friend again. She had always been wary of his firescales. She had only seen them in action once, when he was hunting. He had taken down an antelope, and Ivory had watched in horror as it turned into a crispy black shell. Did her parents end up like that antelope?
Ivory shook her head, wincing at the wave of pain that rippled along her scales.
“I've never seen a RainWings scales so white,” Lily said. White was the RainWing color for pain. “You must be hurting." she looked concerned.
“Oh.. oh no,” said Ivory. “I'm albino. My scales always look like this.”
Lily looked confused. “You always look like that?” she asked. “That's… strange.”
Ivory sighed. She was used to this. “And your eyes….” Lily continued, “They're red!”
Now Ivory got a little irritated. “Yes, Im aware.” she hissed. Lily spread her wings and held up her talons in a peace gesture. “Hey, sorry!” she cried. “It's just I've never seen a dragon like you.”
And that, was the beginning to Lily and Ivory's friendship.

“You can do it!” cheered Lily from the balcony overlooking the RainWing village. Ivory winced as she put her weight on her scarred front talon. Her back right foot was stiff and painful still, and she kept it off the ground completely. Ivory took one step, then another, hissing at the aches in her claws. Finally, she painfully made it to the outside of the medical hut where she had spent the past month. Ivory blinked in the sun, looking around as tropical birds screamed and cawed and hooted from the trees. RainWings lay all around like a weird kaleidoscopic rainbow, spreading their wings to soak up the sun.
“I got a surprise for youuuu!” sang Lily.
“Oh no,” said Ivory. Usually Lily's gifts were things like a few sticks tied together to look like a dragon that disintegrated the moment you touched them or a squashy piece of fruit.
Lily was turning yellow and gold with excitement, the colors spilling over her cool blue scales. She reached for what looked like a pile of leaves, pulling out something that looked like a cloak.
“Ta daaaaa,” Lily said. Ivory observed it more closely. It seemed to be made of the leaves of a plant that had tough leaves that were also smooth and workable, making them useful for making pouches and things. It was a cloak of sorts, as Ivory had first observed, with a hood Ivory could pull over her head and a long sheet to cover her wings. The leaves lay over each other like scales, creating a beautiful pattern. “Its a sun cloak!” said Lily, pulling it around Ivory's shoulders. She secured it snugly with straps that hooked together around her neck. “So you can come outside in the sun with me and not get burned!” she peered anxiously into Ivory's eyes. “Do you like it?”
Ivory wished she could hug her, but when she tried, pain flared and she gasped. “I- I love it,” she said, sitting back and pulling the hood over her head. Lily wrapped one of her long, strong wings around Ivory, smiling. “I'm glad,” she said.
Almost a month later, a happier month filled with suntime under the trees, eating fruit, and making friends, Ivory was ready for her first flight since the accident. She stood on a low sun platform with Lily. Ivory reached up and unclasped her cloak, watching it slide off and reveal her scorched right wing. She felt a twinge of despair. How will I ever fly again? Her brain worried. Lily saw her expression and reassured her, saying “You'll be fine. I've seen butterflies around here with half their wings missing that still flew fine!”
Ivory nodded and began to spread her wings slowly, her muscles stretching and aching from months of disuse. Lily had been doing wing exercises with her so that Ivory could keep her muscles strong, but recovery had still taken it's toll.
Ivory flapped lightly a few times, relishing the feel of the air under her wings. She stepped up to the edge, holding on tightly with her left talon. And then she jumped.

Ivory swept off the platform. She dropped startlingly at first and she yelped and flailed her wings. Suddenly she caught a wind that snapped her wings open and she leveled out. Ivory felt a sudden giddy joy bubbling up inside of her. She laughed, surprising herself. She closed her eyes, soaring up on a thermal, circling, flying. Ivory never thought she'd feel it again. She rose above the trees with a few gentle wingbeats, looking across the sea of rippling trees. Her wing twinged a little as she beat her wings to stay aloft, but she ignored it, circling higher and higher. Lily flapped up from the trees, an anxious look on her face and stripes of a sour green color creeping up her wings. “Ivory!” she called. “Come down, you'll push yourself too much!"
Ivory looked down at Lily. “I'm fine!,” she said, a little irritated. She twisted backwards and free fell, spreading her wings and closing her eyes, feeling the wind rushing around her. “Ivory!” Lily shouted. “You're going to hurt yourself!”
Ivory opened her eyes, watching the quickly shrinking shape of Lily above her, silhouetted by the sun. She twisted and dove into the trees, remembering the racing games she used to play with Bright. She raced among the trees, scattering birds and beetles. Soon she burst into the RainWing village, catching the wind beneath her wings and soaring in a wide circle. Her wing began to burn, but she was too exhilarated to be bothered. RainWings looked up from their platforms and fruit stands, watching the pale dragon circling above.
Ivory glided down, touching down lightly on a wooden platform. A few seconds later, Lily thumped down in front of her, bright orange irritation creeping up her wings and claws.
“What were you thinking?” she cried, flaring her wings.
“I flew.” said Ivory matter-of-factly. Lily's scales were quickly turning more orange as her frustration grew.
“When we agreed that you would try flying today, I meant “fly” as in jump off the platform and glide to the bottom, not pull the stupid stunts you just did!” Lily shouted, red zig-zags shooting up her wings.
“Well, I'm no mind reading NightWing.” Ivory said, turning away with a flick of her tail. The sun was beginning to set, sending orange sunlight dancing along the tree leaves like small licks of flame. Ivory shuddered, then flared her wings and flew off towards the tree nest her and Lily shared.

When Ivory awoke the next morning, the first thing she wanted to do was fly. She got up, stretched her legs, and stepped to the door and began to unfurl her wings. A sudden pain made her stop. Her wings felt sore and cramped, and the burn that spread across her right wing smarted with pain. She gingerly tried stretching them wider, gritting her teeth against the ache. She had to stop as they were about halfway open. Behind her she heard a yawn.
“Finally paying?" said Lily, a definite “I told you so” tone in her voice. “I told you not to push yourself.”
Ivory ignored her and stifled the retort forming. She snapped her wings shut, wincing, grabbed her sun cloak from next to her hammock, and went outside. She headed to the center platform with fruit stands and small shops set up and got herself a few different fruits for breakfast. She glowered as Lily stepped out of the tree nest, stretched her wings, and took off, flying away with strong strokes. Ivory knew she was going to gather the hunting crew. Lily was one of the few RainWings who would rather hunt than eat fruit, so she had asked Queen Glory if she could assemble hunting parties.
The hunters hunted in a way unique to RainWings. They went camouflaged, unseen, and shot their prey with a tranquilizer dart before killing it. It was a quick and humane way to do it, and the animals never even knew what happened.
Ivory sat down under the tree canopy with her fruit. She watched the other RainWings laugh and play, playing color games and seeing who could make their scales the brightest color. Ivory wished she could change her scale color like them, that her scales didn't burn at the slightest touch of the sun. Ivory had discovered while she was in the medical hut that she could change her scales slightly, into light shades of red in patterns across her scales. She flicked the sun cloak away from her wings, spreading them, and concentrating. After a moment, faint red spirals and whorls began to spread across her wings. Lily said she could do this because the tiny blood vessels under her scales grew and made the patterns. Ivory had to consciously keep it up, so she only used it when she really wanted to. She watched the swirls fade from her wings and picked at her fruit. She sighed. Why does everything have to be so hard?

It was a few days before Ivory got full use of her wings back. Soon she was flying again with no problem.
Ivory landed next to Lily, who was lying lazily on a branch. “Lily.” she said, prodding her with one claw. “I'm leaving.”
“Leaving where?” asked Lily sleepily, opening one golden eye.
“Home.” Ivory said, suppressing a shudder.
"Home?” Lily said, sounding more awake. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Your home was….” she trailed off. Lily knew Ivory didn't like thinking about what happened.
“I have to see.” Ivory said. “I want to know.”
“Are you sure?"
“I-I'm sure.” answered Ivory. “I'm going before I change my mind.” she turned away and took off before Lily could answer, pumping her wings hard as if she could push the memories away like the air she was pushing with her wings.

Ivory flew east, towards her previous home. It wasn't long until the green expanse ended suddenly. Ivory gasped. What used to be lush green forest was now black, the dead skeletons of trees reaching like dark fingers. She circled a few times, forcing the tears back. She swooped down and landed next to a charred structure, the ash poofing up and dusting her talons. She stepped to the doorway of the old bamboo building, looking in. She could see nothing she recognised. A tear escaped and trickled down her snout, dropping into the ash. Ivory closed her eyes and remembered the cheery home this had once been. Her mother, slicing fruit at the window, a flower wrapped around her horns. Her father, painting. The garden outside, filled with orchids and tropical plants. The lush green grass. Life. Happiness. Peace.
All of it was gone. Ivory steeled herself and went inside. Her father had some paintings hidden somewhere. Maybe they had survived the fire. She went into her parent's room, where part of the roof had caved in. She thought she would have to move the log bed that her parents shared, but it was gone. She swept the ash away from the dirt and began digging. About two inches down, her talons scratched against the small wooden box that held her father's paintings. She dug around it, got her talons under it, and heaved the box out of the hole. It was a lot lighter than she expected, and Ivory lost her balance and almost fell over. She set it on the floor, lifting the latch gently, and opening the box. Ivory saw the scrolls, leaves, and leather her father had painted on, as well as a few trinkets, including a beautiful golden horn ring with swirling patterns engraved on it. She picked it up and traced one claw along the patterns before reaching up and sliding it on one of her horns..Ivory closed the box, not wanting to get the paintings dirty in the ash. She picked it up and left the house, taking off and creating a whirlwind of ash as she left. She circled around once, and something made her stop. Almost buried in ash was an almost intact log with two talon prints burnt an inch deep into the wood.

Ivory imagined Bright chasing after whatever they had seen that night, ignoring the blaze he was creating in his urge to catch whoever was stalking them. He turned around and met a wall of fire. Bright dove into the blaze, looking for Ivory frantically. Realizing he was just making it worse, he pushed off a log and took off into the sky, escaping.
Ivory shook off the vision. She traced the prints with one claw, hugging the box close. Then she turned away and flew back to the village.

Ivory was hanging the paintings on the walls of her and Lily's tree nest. They were mostly of Ivory, and her mother. Ivory looked into the box. There was only one painting left. It was of Ivory, her father's artistic talent making her scales look like gleaming pearls and her wings like shining gossamer. In this picture, life was perfect. In this picture, Ivory had no hideous burn scars. She looked down at her right talon's melted, charred scales and closed her eyes.
She closed the box, perhaps a little harder than needed and latched it, opening her eyes again. She turned, stepping out of the nest and opening her wings, flying away.

“There’s nothing for me here, Lily! I don’t want to sit here and eat fruit and do nothing!” Ivory was saying, ears folded back.
Lily recoiled. “Then, what are you planning to do?” she answered, tipping her snout up.
“I’m going to leave to the Sky Kingdom and work for the queen, like my father did.” Ivory said solidly.
Lily snorted. “Your father was able to fight, Ivory. You are a RainWing covered with scars and scales that don't change like ours.” A shimmer crossed Lily’s scales as if to rub in the fact.
Ivory hissed. Lily probably didn’t know how much the comment stung.
“That isn’t going to stop me,” she said defiantly. “I might find Bright there.” So I can get my revenge, hopefully.
Lily sighed. Her wings drooped. She knew she wouldn’t win this fight.
“I’m leaving tomorrow.” Ivory said. She stomped over to her nest and tucked her snout under her wing, still fuming.

Ivory left before the sun was up, so Lily couldn’t try to stop her again. She flew northeast, towards the Sky Kingdom. She looked down at the muddy swamps below her. She had cut her sun cloak so she could fly more easily, but as a result her wings were getting burned by the sun. She remembered animals like hippos and elephants used mud as protection against the sun. She sighed. Better to get dirty than to waste time. She thought, spiraling down to the marshy ground.

A couple minutes later she was flicking extra mud off her wings, grimacing. She shook globs of it off her tail before leaping into the air once more, feeling heavy from the mud.

Slowly, the mangrove trees of the Mud Kingdom changed into stunted pines, until eventually she was surrounded by tall, majestic pine trees, the sound of wind hissing through pine needles all around her. Ivory was finally in the Sky Kingdom. She made note to look out for SkyWing patrols.
Ivory wished her scales could shift color so that she wouldn’t be so visible. Her pale scales screamed “HEY. OVER HERE, HELPLESS RAINWING CAPTURE ME PLEASE” against the dark green of the trees. She flew a little lower to the trees so that she could dive into the close packed forest if any danger arose.
Ivory thought that by tomorrow she should be able to see the palace in the distance. She landed and set up camp in a small clearing, gathering some of the small red berries that were growing on the bushes.
Ivory realized a bit late that she couldn’t have a fire. It was colder up in the mountains and Ivory wrapped her wings around herself, shivering and watching her breath crystallize in the air.
She got up and turned around a few times, sweeping leaves and pine needles with her tail. She heard a squish and groaned. She picked up her talon, now covered in gooey berry mush. She shook it off best she could before settling down on the spongey ground, falling into an uncomfortable sleep.

Ivory opened her eyes. Looking down at her were the blue eyes of Bright. Ivory stood up quickly, hissing. Bright jumped back at her reaction, looking hurt. “Ivory?”
Ivory flared her ruff. “What are you doing here?” she snarled. Bright blinked.
“I just wanted to see you,” he said, “Like we always do?” he looked a little concerned.
“After what you did?” Ivory cried, spreading her wings to show him the scorch marks and scars.
Bright looked confused. “What? What did I do?”
Ivory twisted around to look at her wings and was shocked to see they were pale white and whole, no trace of the hideous burns that had been splashed across them before. She looked back at Bright. “What?” he asked again.
Ivory folded her wings back. “N-nothing,” she said, “Nothing." Ivory looked back at Bright, not sure what to do next. She shuffled her talons awkwardly. She looked at their surroundings.
Ivory was standing on some dusty, rocky ground, surrounded by sheer sandstone walls. They were back in the canyon where she and Bright raced before her life fell apart. "What are we doing here?” she asked. Bright twisted his neck to look at her, his bright blue eyes catching the sun and seeming to glow. “I don't know,” he said. After a moment he grinned. "Care to race?”
Ivory stared at him. “No, no I'm fine.” she choked out after a moment. Bright looked confused and his wings drooped. “Why?” he asked. “It can be…. Just like old times.” Ivory looked up. "No.” she said. Not after what you did.
"Wha-” Bright said, but Ivory turned and flew away quickly. SHe heard him call out, but she ignored him and wiped the tears from her eyes angrily.

Ivory woke up cold in the morning. A chilly dew had settled on the tiny green grass blades and leaves as well as on her. She shivered and stood up, stretching and shaking off her wings. The palace loomed before her on its tall mountain peak. Ivory could see the tiny red and orange shapes of SkyWings wheeling high in the air. She took a deep breath and began flying towards the palace, keeping low to the trees.

Soon after, she heard the sound of wings whistling near her and slowed down. Five SkyWings sailed behind and next to her. The lead dragon flew close to her scarred right wing and said “State your business!” Ivory swallowed the nervousness she felt creeping in and answered, “I have business with the queen.”
"Do you have an appointment with her Majesty?” the other dragon asked. He was a brilliant red color with intelligent looking amber eyes.
“No,” Ivory replied, flicking her tail. “I wish to become her personal guard.” the red dragons eyes widened a bit and a couple of the other SkyWings snickered. “But-” one of them started, a male with cheerful marigold colored scales. “You're a RainWing!”
“Silence, Falcon,” growled the red dragon. His eyes flicked back to Ivory. "You didn't know a RainWing named Philodendron, did you?”
Ivory felt a thrill of excitement. “Yes,”she said. “He was my father.”

THere was a period of silence with only the whistling of wings around her as the lead dragon regarded her. "Come with me," he said finally, thrusting his wings to shoot up towards the castle, the rest of his troop following him. Ivory was left struggling to catch up as the sky dragons' wide wings powered them through the air.
Soon they circled down and landed on a pavilion settled on a rocky cliff. The floor was quartz, inlaid with veins of gold.

"Sorry," Ivory started, Ï didn't get your-"

"Silence!" the scarlet dragon hissed. Ivory snapped her mouth shut and took a step back.
"First thing you should know if you plan to be come Her Majesty's personal guard is you do not speak out of turn to your superiors." His orange eyes glittered.
"Sorry," Ivory muttered again.
" The rest of you, leave us and continue the patrol." the SkyWing said, inclining his head to his troop.
"Yes sir!" the dragon said. They all gave a quick bow and leapt into the air, the breeze turning them into small specks in no time.
"My name," he continued, "Is Osprey. And yours?"
Ivory swallowed. "I'm Ivory." she said.
"Where did you get your… injuries?" Osprey said, his eyes flicking to her twisted scars.
"A forest fire, involving a firescales dragon from your tribe."
Osprey's eyes widened slightly, but he rapidly regained his composure. "A firescales, you say?"

"Yes," Ivory said. "I recall he didn't live near here. He lived in the mountain range near the edge of the rainforest with his mother."
"You seem to be very knowledgeable about this dragon… care to tell me his name?"
Ivory's brain froze, then started running very fast. She could get them to find Bright, but what would they do with him? Would they-
She squashed that train of thought. "His name- his name was Bright. He was my friend. It was just and accident, he didn't mean it!" Her voice had been rising and she snapped her jaws shut and looked down at her talons, wings shivering.
She felt Osprey's gaze burning into her. Eventually he spoke. "You're tough, I'll give you that," he said. "But do you have it in you to complete the training?"
Ivory was shocked into looking up. "If- if my father could, I can."

Osprey stared aharshly at her for a moment longer before flicking his tail. “I can’t wait to watch, personally,” the tall SkyWing said, chuckling. He inclined his head. “Down there’s the barracks.” he said, still smirking. Ivory felt a blush of frustration coming on. “Got it.” she said in a clipped tone. Osprey nodded and left the pavilion, the wind from his wing beats buffeting Ivory and making her squint.

(...and then I lost motivation haha) (none of these are actually edited I just- wing it and never finish things)
Hey, did you know you could start a Conversation with yourself and save it there? Or, you can create an article and add stuff there if you want it all sharable. Just some ideas if you want your work somewhere easier to find (unless you're bookmarking this thread). ;)
I honestly forgot articles existed lol

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