HI We are The Oasis Family Farm here in Sparta Georgia


5 Years
Nov 9, 2014
What can I say except I am very happy to finally decide to join this site as a member. Many times I have googled info and found it here in this forum. I am not new to raising Chickens, but very new to being very serious about some of the fancy and colorful egg layers, now. Might say I have an addiction. I sure enjoy looking at the photos and getting ideas for future breeding, and chicken raising. Right now have a project bird in mind, and have quite few purebred birds all for my familys food, as well as just love alot of them as cool pets that lay eggs to eat !! Looking forward to putting in my 2 cents every so often. We are a self sustaining farm in Middle Georgia. cannot have to many Just for pt animals, every mouth counts, but chickens have so many uses here, just sitting and watching the is so calming and at times comical.
from free range to coop the chickens are part of daily life on our farm. Love my Cochin, and silkies, and newest
addiction are POLISH... love colors to and learning all about the genetics.. keeps my mind busy !! Looking forward to making some new buddies in here.
Thanks for reading.
Candi ( the momma on the farm)
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Hi :welcome

Glad you joined the flock. Love reading your intro, your farm sounds great. I see your new addiction is polish. I too have an addiction with the polish and can't wait for next spring to get incubating again. Be sure to ask any questions you may have everyone here to help :frow
Welcome from central Georgia. So glad you joined us.
Welcome to BYC, Candi! Glad you decided to join our flock. A lot of us were lurkers before joining. :eek:) Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Good luck with your flock and farm!

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