how do I treat sinus infection


7 Years
Dec 9, 2012
Cape town, south Africa
I am new to backyard chicken keeping. I have two two month old chicks, A Potchestroom Koekoek (which I imagine no-one will have heard of as it is a South African cross breed) and a rhode island red.

Yesterday I noticed the rhode island red had a lump on t he side of her face. I did some googling and believe it is a sinus infection. There is no discharge, no smell, no trouble breathing etc... just ht slump, but today it is almost double in size. Today she also has what look like some peck marks/scratches on her comb. I have put vinegar on the comb and will keep an eye on her, but how do I treat the sinus infection?
Please note, being in South Africa, it is better if you not refer to products by their brand names, as it will all be different here.

I am new to backyard chicken keeping. I have two two month old chicks, A Potchestroom Koekoek (which I imagine no-one will have heard of as it is a South African cross breed) and a rhode island red.

Yesterday I noticed the rhode island red had a lump on t he side of her face. I did some googling and believe it is a sinus infection. There is no discharge, no smell, no trouble breathing etc... just ht slump, but today it is almost double in size. Today she also has what look like some peck marks/scratches on her comb. I have put vinegar on the comb and will keep an eye on her, but how do I treat the sinus infection?
Please note, being in South Africa, it is better if you not refer to products by their brand names, as it will all be different here.

Replace their water w/ an astringent solution of Apple Cider Vinegar in their water, at the rate of four teaspoons to each gallon (but never in galvanized metal containers). The tannin from the apple reduces the viscosity of mucus, helping them to more easily expel it, and helps to 'cut through' the coatings in the mouth, throat and intestines, which improves the uptake of nutrients/vitamins, and further boost their immune systems.

This may be all she requires, but will also help her to better absorb any medication(s) that may be req'd, as this doesn't really sound like just an ordinary sinus infection, esp. when you mention places on her comb ... look again, soon as you can, and post a picture if possible.

While you're at it? I'd like to see what your Potchestroom Koekoek looks like ~'-)
It is not a sinus infection, it is fowl pox. It is much much worse now, but with any luck we may be over the worst. My koekoek is also showing signs of it.
Question: if noth hens have pox, is there any point keeping them isolated/separated?
It is not a sinus infection, it is fowl pox. It is much much worse now, but with any luck we may be over the worst. My koekoek is also showing signs of it.
Question: if noth hens have pox, is there any point keeping them isolated/separated?

No, Ma'am ... put 'em all together, and continue to watch helplessly 'til this passes. And, it will ... it looks far worse than it really is, and you've just gotta watch out for secondary infections that may result in the eyes/sinuses/lesions/etc.

Keeping the vinegar in their water will help 'em expel the mucus, and most of the bacteria. The original Neosporin without pain reliever can be used. A drop of Johnson and Johnson's 'no more tears' shampoo is an excellent way to clean out their eyes. You can also dissolve five five-grain aspirins into a gallon of water, which is good for helpin' to make 'em feel better, which helps to promoted quicker recovery.

Sorry you've gotta go through this ... the only good news I can offer is that once you're done? You're done: They are not carriers, beyond that point.
You can treat sinus infection with some basic home remedies. Sinus problems are not only painful, they can be also disturbing and tough to treat. For example, drinking water frequently can reduce your sinus infection tremendously.
The website below pinpoint really good points about home remedies for sinus infection.



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