How do you freeze your whole turkeys?


Staff PhD
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 25, 2007
Everett WA/Corvallis OR
So I've got two toms that are headed to the table in the near future. One is going to be cooked as soon as it's ready, but the second is going to be frozen for when I am back on break to eat. However, this 42 lb tom, which I anticipate being about 30lbs dressed isn't really going to fit in a gallon sized freezer bag.... so what do you do and what are your suggestions on how to freeze them up?

I was thinking wrap heavily in saran wrap, then stick into a few grocery bags and then give a final wrap in a trash bag. Any better solutions to freeze him whole?

Ziploc makes BIG bags called XXL's. They hold like 2 small children. We use them to store our hunting clothes in for scent control, and I also use them to brine my turkey for Thanksgiving. They come in a bag and are usually hanging up (not in a box like smaller Ziplocs) and are usually with the paper plates and such at the grocery store, or the hunting department at the retail stores.
here's the sizes

Large 1.25 ft. x 1.25 ft., 5 per box
Xtra Large 2 ft. x 1.7 ft., 4 per box
XXtra Large 2 ft. x 2.7 ft., 3 per box

it says on their web page that they're suppose to be pleated, with handles and double zip loc.
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Thats what I use to store my 25 & 50lb feed bags! XXL size I get them at lowes, but they do come in a box here anyway.. they are with the household organization products.. $5 for 3 or 4 of them.. can't remember.

this would be HUGE for a turkey, but it is a very durable high quality bag

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