How do you tell the Light Brahma rooster from the hens?

Black Aussie

7 Years
Nov 24, 2012

These Light Brahmas are about 5 months old, we have a hard time telling the roosters from the hens. Has anyone else had Brahmas that could tell me how to tell the difference?

This one is certainly a rooster, I can tell that because of his size, but most look alike.
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the first pic has all cockerels in and no hens anywhere's
in the 2nd pic the front is a cockerel and behind him appears to be a pullet but it's hard to tell

Sorry, I'm new to this and I think I just posted my picture without a comment. This is our first time with chickens. They're Light Brahmas and 11 weeks old. We have 12 (supposed to be pullets) but this one looks like a rooster. Can you guys help me out here? We were going to get rid of any roosters we got but now are kind of excited about a rooster. We'll keep him unless he's really mean. I've held all of them a lot and hand fed them for many weeks.
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Looks good. The Brahma roosters we've had have never been mean, but if you have a lot they be hard on your hens.
A full body picture will tell if they're hens or roosters.
I wasn't sure at first either, I'll have to post some more pictures.

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