How long does freshly butchered chicken last in the fridge?


Jun 11, 2021
We butchered chicken about 2 weeks ago and i usually let them sit in the fridge for 3 days before freezing but i have forgot about then being in the fridge. Would they still be ok to freeze and eat later or did i mess up and they have gone bad? Help please!
We butchered chicken about 2 weeks ago and i usually let them sit in the fridge for 3 days before freezing but i have forgot about then being in the fridge. Would they still be ok to freeze and eat later or did i mess up and they have gone bad? Help please!
They can wait a LOT longer in a fridge than just 2 weeks. They will be fine. ;)
^^^ That. Too many variables to otherwise guess - depends on sanitation during butchering, temps while butchering, what's in your water source, how cold the fridge is, etc... Can't go by the USDA, they say 1-2 days, but that figure doesn't count the time the bird spent in processing, packaging and packing, shipment to warehouse, shipment to store, time "in the back" or allowable time on display before those 1-2 days get added.

On the other hand, we have 1,000s of years of evolution geared, among other things, to selecting for noses that can detect things we shouldn't eat. Your finger is a good judge too - touch it, if it feels slimy, mushy, or otherwise mucous-like.... Not good eats.
I have kept birds in the fridge after processing for a good week and a half no problem. Our station and water are extremely clean while processing and they are put into shrink bags before going in the fridge. I think if it was a clean work area, cooled down quickly and in a shrink bag they should be ok..Milage may vary.

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