How long to leave eggs under broody, after one has hatched?


May 8, 2019
This is only my second attempt at hatching eggs under a broody hen - with the first attempt resulting in a disappointing 0% hatch rate..!

So this time, early early on day 21 I was thrilled to discover a little Old Cotswold Legbar emerging from it's shell.

Day 22 now - and nothing from the other eggs... ( they came via the post, so always going to be risky.. I guess?)

What would you do now? Give it another day? Candle them? And if so, what I'm I even looking for if candling?!
When will the broody decide it time for the other chick to eat and drink?- so far she's sittin' tight.

I was hoping for more than one! But tbh after having zero last time, this is a great success, lol!
Oh and your first hatched babe, just keep food and water "in a chick safe container" close to the broody. She won't let it starve, remember it had 3 days of food already prestocked from the yolk but keeping food close at this point will make your broody's life and job easier.;)
Oh and your first hatched babe, just keep food and water "in a chick safe container" close to the broody. She won't let it starve, remember it had 3 days of food already prestocked from the yolk but keeping food close at this point will make your broody's life and job easier.;)

Thank you! Yes, I've got safe food and water all set up for them close by.
I'll give the eggs a little tap later in the day - see if they talk at me! Fingers crossed!
Did a few taps on each egg - complete silence. I'll leave them alone and see what happens tomorrow. ( the other chick is gorgeous though! Hope he\she gets a sibling!
I read that a broody hen will sit on hatching eggs for about 3 days after the first chick hatches. At some point around 3 days, she will give up on the other eggs and start to care for herself and the hatched chicks.
Exactly that has just happened here - my broody brought the two chicks that hatched Tues night/weds morning out this morning, leaving one unhatched egg behind. On opening, I found it had died at about day 4 of development.

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