how much Calcium Citrate D3 should I give


Nov 18, 2023
I have 630 mg calcium citrate pills (with D3). How much should I give for an egg bound chicken?

The egg broke inside and all the yolk and white came out already. I suspect the shell (soft or hard) is broken inside still. She was very perky this morning but now she is lethargic and can’t stop closing her eyes. Look at my other post for photos and more details.
I desperately need help.
What is best way to get sick, lethargic chicken to take that huge pill? Will they swallow whole? When put into mouth, should it be placed in a particular area so as to not go down wrong hole? Does one need to hold beak closed? Should it be crushed in water and given in eye~dropper?
Needless to say, I’m terrified! Apologies, for so many questions. (grew up w/over~bearing, very dramatic mother, who made me feel I could do nothing right. So, I question EVERY decision I attempt to make, @least 100X’s)
What is best way to get sick, lethargic chicken to take that huge pill? Will they swallow whole? When put into mouth, should it be placed in a particular area so as to not go down wrong hole? Does one need to hold beak closed? Should it be crushed in water and given in eye~dropper?
Needless to say, I’m terrified! Apologies, for so many questions. (grew up w/over~bearing, very dramatic mother, who made me feel I could do nothing right. So, I question EVERY decision I attempt to make, @least 100X’s)
Hi! The pill is huge, I agree. But chickens can swallow whole grapes without worry. Since they have no teeth they are built to swallow things. Just in case, I cut the pill in half and got rid of any sharp edges, then pulled her wattle and popped it down.

Sometimes they might spit it out so I don’t hold their beak, i just place my hand near her beak so i can gently push it back in.

After I just waited until i knew she ate it. Sometimes to help it go down by rubbing her throat downwards to stimulate it to go down. Then I made sure I gave her time to swallow each pill if I have more to give her. I also made sure she drank water after :)
Hi! The pill is huge, I agree. But chickens can swallow whole grapes without worry. Since they have no teeth they are built to swallow things. Just in case, I cut the pill in half and got rid of any sharp edges, then pulled her wattle and popped it down.

Sometimes they might spit it out so I don’t hold their beak, i just place my hand near her beak so i can gently push it back in.

After I just waited until i knew she ate it. Sometimes to help it go down by rubbing her throat downwards to stimulate it to go down. Then I made sure I gave her time to swallow each pill if I have more to give her. I also made sure she drank water after :)
She's going downhill fast! Stopped eating anything. Even her fav, blueberries. She cannot stand on her own. She's very weak. Cannot keep her eyes open for long. Her poo/wee quite smelly. Thinking it's the wee though. Barely any poo, but expected when not eating.
Shuffling around a lot. If she makes it til morn, will see if my vet will put her to sleep
I cannot stand to see her suffer, but I cannot make myself do the inevitable.
She's going downhill fast! Stopped eating anything. Even her fav, blueberries. She cannot stand on her own. She's very weak. Cannot keep her eyes open for long. Her poo/wee quite smelly. Thinking it's the wee though. Barely any poo, but expected when not eating.
Shuffling around a lot. If she makes it til morn, will see if my vet will put her to sleep
I cannot stand to see her suffer, but I cannot make myself do the inevitable.
Is she still alive? Does she have a swollen abdomen? Is she standing in a penguin like stance? Sick chickens will often have watery poop and it might be green or yellow. Can you attach photos of her poop? I don’t think you specified what symptoms so has. My chicken was very sick but managed to bounce back. Chickens are resilient. If you have access to a pet ER they might take hens and give her injections and help you figure out what’s wrong.

Try dripping water with a little sugar in it into her beak, down the side of the beak so she doesn’t choke. This will give her energy.

She’s moving, which is good. Do you feel an egg when you press around her vent? Is her vent pulsating or pushing?
She's going downhill fast! Stopped eating anything. Even her fav, blueberries. She cannot stand on her own. She's very weak. Cannot keep her eyes open for long. Her poo/wee quite smelly. Thinking it's the wee though. Barely any poo, but expected when not eating.
Shuffling around a lot. If she makes it til morn, will see if my vet will put her to sleep
I cannot stand to see her suffer, but I cannot make myself do the inevitable.
My hen was like yours - for two days straight she was not eating or moving and her eyes were always closed. I popped in half of the calcium pill, the antibiotic, then left her in a warm room over night. Even the vet said she wouldn’t make it. Then came the morning and she was pretty much fine. I made sure I got lots of water in her. Chickens are resilient so don’t give up!!
What is best way to get sick, lethargic chicken to take that huge pill? Will they swallow whole? When put into mouth, should it be placed in a particular area so as to not go down wrong hole? Does one need to hold beak closed? Should it be crushed in water and given in eye~dropper?
Needless to say, I’m terrified! Apologies, for so many questions. (grew up w/over~bearing, very dramatic mother, who made me feel I could do nothing right. So, I question EVERY decision I attempt to make, @least 100X’s)
You just open her beak and pop it in there, she'll swallow it

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