How to reduce the humidity in my incubator


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 27, 2012
The temperature in my incubator is at 38.1 degrees Celsius. i have just put my eggs in this is day 1. The humidity is at 54% and i haven't put any trays of water in; i know this is too high but how can i reduce it?
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If there are no trays of water in the incubator, it is probably a combination of where you live and the humidity being put off by the eggs themselves. I don't think there would be anything you could do to reduce it.
It kind of depends on your incubation methods, whether dry or not. I wouldn't think it would be harmful to be at 54. I keep mine between 50 and 55 for the first 18 days and then increase the last 3 days to around 65. However, unless you are doing a dry hatch, I would recommend keeping some water at all times in the incubator so too much humidity is not taken out of the eggs. If the eggs dry out, they may not be able to hatch because the chicks will get stuck inside.
Do you have a fan that you could draw air out of the room that the incubator is in to help maybe? Or a de-humidifier if you have one might help. I would think 54% is a bit to high for day 1.
its a fan incubator. I could open the incubator doors but then the temperature would decrease. I will put a tray of water in to stop the eggs drying out, hadn't thought of that thanks. It is going to be cooler over the next few days which will lower the external humidity and therefore lower the internal humidity of the incubator
I have the same problem but if I add water it increases my humidity, not sure what to do?
You can add some paper towels or rice filled socks to suck up some extra moisture

That's a Really good idea. I will definitely be using that one. Thanks!

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