Humidity question. NEED HELP ASAP. Duck eggs

Frodo the Pekin

Jul 26, 2023
Hello!! I bought myself an incubator recently and set some duck eggs today. However, I'm a bit confused with the humidity requirements. I live in Romania, and for some reason most romanian youtube videos and sites that I've seen seem to recommend 60-70% for the first period and 80%-85% at lockdown and hatching. Now compared to what else I've read on here and on non romanian sites the humidity for duck eggs should be about 55-58% at first and then about 60%, so huge difference.

What's weirder is that my incubator instructions advise 70-75% at first and then 80-85%, which they say is achieveable by filling the larger water channel in the bator. I filled that in and it's curently at *64%*. Is that bad?? I went with my bator instructions based on the fact that it must have undergone some manner of testing before adding those numbers in the instructions manual but I still am unsure. I want to give my 10 eggs the best chance at hatching. Please help! The eggs have been in for a couple of hours at 37,5 degrees Celsius and 63-64% humidity.
Also, my incubator has a display with the temp and humidity, but the temp is off by 2 degrees, I use another 2 calibrated thermometers which show the same (I assume right) temperature. But the hygrometer might be off too. So even tho it shows 64% humidity, it may in fact be lower or higher. If it helps, there has been no condensation at all thus far. I already ordered a hygrometer online and it should arrive tomorrow. As stated, I only have one of the channels filled in with water, and that is the one meant for duck eggs, so it technically should be ok but I am worried about the right percentage.
I have been keeping my duck eggs at 50-55% humidity and so far all have been developing nicely. I suggest getting a hygrometer and calibrating it to know the accurate humidity in your incubator.

I kept 50-55% humidity too but indian runner didn't hatch although they developed. muscovy did.

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