I’m getting chickens!!!

Welcome! It's so exciting to get chickens for the first time! I have 4: a Buff Orpington hen, Speckled Sussex pullet, and 2 Easter Eggers, hen and pullet. The Orp is big and friendly, but often broody (and I mean often -- 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off). The SS is very friendly and also pretty fierce: she will actively hunt things like mice, but also snuggle on your lap. My EEs are top hen and bottom pullet. One is friendly and curious, the other is scared of everything except people, though that might be a result of her muffs, which are huge and may interfere with her vision.
I bet spring can't come soon enough, huh? Good luck with renovating that old chicken house.

As far as breeds go, the best breed depends, of course, on your location and what you want in a bird.

I HAVE to look at cold-weather hardiness -- which won't be a major concern for you. I also prefer birds that don't fly much, so they are easily contained and don't head for the neighbors' fields -- big, heavy girls like the aforementioned Buff Orpington, although my girl NEVER goes broody. Guess she's not the motherly type.

Is egg color important to you? I like a basket with a lot of color, so I have Easter Eggers, a Welsummer, Midnight Majesty Maran, Prairie Bluebell Egger and a whole assortment of brown-egg layers.

Personality is harder to predict, but my Speckled Sussex likes to be thisclose whenever I am outdoors, and ONE of my three full-sized Cochins (I also have Bantam Cochins) likes to follow me and talk the entire time.

If I were you, I would spend much of the winter with a hatchery catalog or two, and read up on all the breeds I possibly could. Narrow it down the a few you think you would like and then ask other chicken owners what the pros and cons might be; hatchery catalogs tend to gloss over the disadvantages of what they are trying to sell.

Whatever you decide, congratulations on getting ready to start your chicken adventure and on joining this community of people who want to help you succeed. Welcome to BYC!

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