Thanks for your concern. She died this morning while I was trying to make her more comfortable. She gave a little fight and just fell asleep. I learned a lot of stuff through the last two weeks of her life. She taught me how to care for my other goose if it ever gets ill or starts looking as if she is, so Jade didn't die in vain! I also found out that you are all your goose has when it becomes sick. Vets really don't know much about fowl and they don't seem to care much either. I live in a farm community and people around here looks at you a little funny when you try to save your pet goose. But when you raise something by hand and it loves you as a parent, you have to do something to save it. When I found what I needed to save my goose on the internet it was to late. Never stop trying no matter what pet you have that is sick. Thanks again…
What did you do to save your goose? My wife and I have a sick goose and I'm hoping she ll pull thru
What did you do to save your goose? My wife and I have a sick goose and I'm hoping she ll pull thru
Hello there. We have a sick goose. He is weak and not eating. Last evening I noticed him by the pond in the evening. Though it was odd but didn’t think much when I went over to him he walked in their room. Today I found him laying down and he let me pick him up. He is my daughter’s bird and she is away on base this weekend. Any advice? I brought him inside and tried giving water with a splash of apple cider vinegar with a syringe.

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