I need a chicken sweater. I think?


6 Years
Jul 23, 2013
One of my ladies (I have 4) is loosing feathers at an alarming rate. None of the other girls have a problem, and from what I've seen over the past few days, they aren't pecking at her either. It's starting to get cold at night, and I don't want the poor girl freezing.
But. I can't sew, knit, anything (many, many halloween costumes have been made with duct tape and a glue gun). The only ones I've seen on Ebay are crocheyed, and it seems like that would catch the feathers? Anyone know where I could find a fleece or cotton material sweater for sale?
I have had the same problem with one of mine since March of this year. I knit her a sweater but she HATED it and I found her huddled in the back of the run....very unhappy. Try adding more protein to her diet with yogurt, blood worms, crushed egg shells...it could be a protein deficiency. It may work...unfortunately, for my gal, it's not working yet and winter approaches. I have also tried the 'no pick' rubs....no luck there either. Not sure how she'll enjoy the cold with 1/2 of her chest down to raw skin.
My chickens will continue the molt into November, so don't get worried yet, just because us humans get cold a chicken is a bit different, give her time, I'm sure she'll get her feathers grown in, some of mine haven't even started yet. A sweater would encourage mites and would be quite uncomfortable. It's a good time to check out your coop and make sure it's ready for winter, here in Wisconsin it gets cold, I have never had a frozen chicken, my shed is uninsulated and open on one end, chickens are quite cold hardy.
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ok! I was concerned, but this is molting? all thier feathers fall out when it turns cold? Noone did this last year lol, and the guineas never did. I give them bloodworms as a treat, but will increase it to every day. And I never thought of Peanut butter... will do that, too.

time to read up on Molting... thanks for the help!
after they turn 12 months old they can molt mine are six months/seven months and are getting rid of some of their baby feathers still but they wont have a true molt till next year.
ok! I was concerned, but this is molting? all thier feathers fall out when it turns cold? Noone did this last year lol, and the guineas never did. I give them bloodworms as a treat, but will increase it to every day. And I never thought of Peanut butter... will do that, too.

time to read up on Molting... thanks for the help!
Most birds have their first full adult molt at about 18 months.
Chicks will change their plumage (not quite a 'molt') a few times before about 6 months when they grow in their adult feathering.

Not sure what bloodworms are?
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