I wanna see your Bronze Breasted Bronze turkeys!!!


9 Years
Nov 25, 2010
Orem, Utah.
I just found out my poult is a BBB I want to know what It will look like
Anyone who has pics of a male a female or poults show me! Thanks!
Skip trying to find picture on Sand Hills site. They do not sell BBB or have any pictures. Are you planning to eat your turkeys?
You do know that BBB's are meat turkeys, right. They don't make good pets because they grow too large and die an early death most of the time. They should be butchered about 4-6 months of age. Remember that BBB stands for "broad breasted bronze", if they are not broad breasted then they are just standard bronze and a heritage breed and live for years.
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There seems to be a huge difference in size between hatchery's when it comes to broad breasted bronze (BBB). A example is Ideal's BBB turkeys only get 25 lbs for Toms and 16 lbs for hens. This is not the MONSTER size turkeys many of us think of when we talk about BBB turkeys. They have a chance of being pets. The BBW on Ideal's site grow to be 45 lbs for toms and 25 lbs for hens. Thats a huge difference. If you check other hatcherys the size will be different. I know I had one BBB turkey weight in at 60 lbs, and he was a baby.

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