Ideas for protecting blackberries (and later blueberries) from the birds?


12 Years
Oct 1, 2011
We have tons of wild blackberry bushes, but not only do we like them, the birds like them, too. Ha.

Besides netting, what are our other options for keeping birds out of our berry patches?
I had trouble with birds getting caught in my netting. I started using sheer curtains. I find at second hand stores or yard sales. The net canopies that go over a childs bed is a good one too.
Hang old CD's in them or put plastic snakes on them.Or use both. If you use the fake snakes just move them around different every week so they dont get used to seeing them in one spot.
Has anyone ever tried hanging mothballs nearby? Does it work to repel birds? Does it make you gag?
i use rubber snakes too, I jsut move them around every couple days, the little jiggly ones I drap in the pretty good.
My dogs take it as a personal insult to have a wild bird land or fly anywhere on our property. So, is getting a big black dumb dog an option lol?

Actually, we have so many wild berries I don't worry, the birds can have as many as they want and there is still lots for us. Including one of the aforementioned bbdd, who eats blackberries off the vine.
That's funny. We actually have 2 English springers, trained to flush and retrieve birds. They chase them all, but it must be dawn and dusk when the birds eat their fill.
The only things mothballs would repel is people and possibly insects. Birds have HORRIBLE senses of smell (exception:vultures and other carrion eaters) in fact, owls are one of the few animals that will eat skunks.
And, I wouldn't want to eat any blackberries that taste of mothballs . . .

I like the sheer curtain idea -- maybe I'll try it next year on my raspberries. We have SO MANY blackberries that there is no way the birds even make a dent . . .

Some people try those inflatable owls/hawks in orchards and what not, might be worth a try . . .

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