If I decided to sell, would anyone be interested in buying Ayam Cemanis?


Jan 5, 2023
For anyone who doesn’t know, ayam cemanis are a rare breed whom are black inside and out, including organs. They are showbirds, only laying about 170 eggs a year. Their eggs are light tan, happy birds with a good temperament. They don’t breed true, but mine would be high quality for anyone in Tennessee. I am willing to go through measures to sell them, anyone who may be interested in this rare breed. If you are interested in some for the future, let me know and a price you would think about for eggs, chicks, pullets, and even adult hens.
Where's the OP from?
OP.....Where in this world are you located?
When pricing chickens to sell location is always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
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