Is ammonia toxic to chickens?

The spring hook and eye things are better than the just hook and eye things, it is hard to push back the spring and pull up the hook at the same time, so that is good IMHO. Motion sensor lights may work at first but if nothing happens after they go off then it may only be a deterent for a short time. Follow up the light coming on with a walk with the firearm of your choice!
Okay, the coon would have to cut thru chicken wire and bird netting and then work the spring closure hook too to get into the barn. What other kind of latch? Double latches?

We had a coon sleeping in our eaves for a couple of nights last year and we had it dispatched, but I don't know where this one sleeps.

I'll try some ammonia soaked rags in a pan I guess.
Maybe try motion light as soon as I can buy one. I live in town so can't shoot. I'd have to stay up all night to see it.

I also turned the cinder blocks we use as a step for the chickens so they block the doors shut.
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Sounds like you are doing all that can be done. IMO if the coon was gonna strike and could,
it already would have. Good luck!

WE have coons and bobcats here and use the spring hook and eye on two of our coops and so far so good( 6 months of chicken fun).
Success!! I hope (knock wood). Didn't find any poops this morning so I guess I'll keep up the radio and ammonia rags, put away the water and food and barricade the coop doors for a week. I hung the ammonia rag on one of those cheap low border fences we use to keep the chickens out of the flowers so the ammonia wouldn't sink into the ground or kill the grass. Then I was afraid if the coon couldn't find any easy food it might try the chickens so I barricaded the coop doors. So far, so good.

Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions.
You might get a trap and bait it with a little block of cantelope, or such. If you can't shoot there, then do you have a place to sink the trap in water and drown him??
In the past 2 months, I have trapped and shot 13 raccoons, and they are still eating my cat food, and also have dug under the edge of hubby's grain bin, where he keeps his calf grain. The more they find to eat, the more of them show up.
I have ALL bells and whistles ( 1/4 in all around, metal roof, secure locks, 2 automatic doors, motion flood lights, elevated coop, even wifi speakers for music all day—- AND 1/4 inch galvanized wire buried under the entire coop and run. This buried wire is the ONLY thing stopping these pests. And while it is stopping the burrowing animals from entering the run,they are relentless. Every AM I spend time refilling 6-8 holes they made down, under and up to the metal. Often the same hole/area! Chimpmunk sized holes, piles of soil, no feces to speak of. I tried peppermint, cayenne pepper, steel wool in the holes and more. Even a haveaheart trap. Nothing. Then I poured ammonia around the OUTSIDE of the coop, about a foot away from the outer rim, and all around. Bye bye problem.

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