It may be too hot to keep new chickens locked in the coop, so is it okay to let them stay in the run


9 Years
Jun 25, 2013
The coop is about done and has an attached run. It's 95 degrees and warmer during the day with little breeze. I'll be getting chicks old enough to be fully feathered.
I know people usually lock new chickens in their coops for a few days to get them accustomed. Due to the heat, I'm worried that might be too hot during the day for that. I'd like to let them in the run during the day and then they can stay in the coop at night. Will this be okay? If so, how long should I do this before letting them roam my back yard so that they'll know to call the coop home?

Thanks for the advice!
Yes they will be fine in the run during the day. If you want them to go inside the coop - you can put a little light (even a flashlight) inside the coop at dusk and they will march right on in hopefully. If you keep the feed inside the coop this will help them identify it as their home.

I would let them out in the yard after they get the hang of going inside the coop with NO light in the coop.
Keeping them locked up would include staying in the the run. I would certainly keep the food inside the coop, so they identify inside the coop with sustenance.

As others have said, keeping them confined to the run is fine.

I took a quick look at the photos of your coop. With your climate, you could open up most of the front of your coop. That would be great for summer temperatures and let out a lot of the heat that can build up in the summer. You could cover that during the winter, if you wanted, but you might not even need to.

It's hard on chickens if they have to get locked in a hot coop at dusk. Are you planning on locking the pop hole door at night? If you're leaving it open, that will help give you some air flow to cool the coop at night, since it's down low. You have great venting up at the top. Adding some more will help with the summer heat.

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