It was worth the wait! Lots of cute pics!!


12 Years
Apr 22, 2007
Merit, Tx
We have a sweet little momma duck that sat on chicken eggs last year and they never hatched. She waited it out but it didn't work. Poor momma-she mourned the loss and disappointment for about a week. Well again this year she started sitting on her own eggs. I just knew it wasn't gonna turn out good and I was starting to get worried for her because she had been on the eggs for so long. Anyways--I heard her talking really sweetly and thought she must still be sitting on those eggs. She always talked to her eggs! So I went in her pen to check on her and low and behold--she had 4 ducklings following her around! They couldn't have been too old by this time. She won't let us near them but we have caught them and showed them the water(like 4Hmom said to do-Thanks!). I finally got these pics this evening. Of course momma is near by! She is the black/brown one and daddy is the aflac lookin' one. Daddy looks a little rough because 2-3 weeks ago something broke in to their pen. He defended the eggs and momma until he was plucked clean on the back and his eye was a little messed up. He is doing much better and I'm so happy he was there to defend them!





This is my favorite pic!!

Aww! Look at them! Sooooo cute!
I am so glad you were able to get mama to let you give them water. They are ADORABLE! I cant wait to see how they feather out. From your pictures, Mama looks like a mallard or Rouen and Daddy looks like a Pekin. Is that right? I'm really curious to see how the babies turn out!
I think momma is a mallard and the daddy is whatever the aflac duck is. He is alot calmer than momma. Very laid back even before the babies. I was happy to find out that they co-parent. Is that common? I too can't wait to see them feather out. It will be a surprise for sure! Their little feet are black toes with yellow in the webbing. Thanks so much for your help earlier. I was at a loss. The momma and daddy were 2 weeks old when I got them and kept in the house in a brooder. I was so concerned for them to be outside without me watching and monitoring water and feed 24/7. I'll update with pics as they get older. I'm gonna hold them once a day atleast. Momma is just gonna have to get over it. I want them to be somewhat tame. I think I'm in love!
Good luck!!! Our babies have so far been fun. As much fun as they can be with momma hovering over them. I love to watch her quack orders at them. She is a stern momma. Maybe I should take notes?!
Oh they're SO cute! Momma duck must be SO thrilled to have babies!
Keep us updated with pics!

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