Killing a chicken in front of my other chickens?


Free Ranging
Aug 18, 2019
If I kill (broomstick method) a chicken in front of my other chickens will they know what I've done and be scared of me? - So it would be better to take the chicken away from the flock so they can't see me killing it?
Just thinking this because I need to get rid of my rooster that isn't fertilising and he's a skittish boy so better I grab him off the roost at night to do the deed and easier to do it right there, in front of the roosts.
My chickens stood at their run fence watching as we butchered 25 broilers about 15 feet away. It was like reality TV for them, all they needed was a tub of popcorn to be totally content, lol.
The broomstick method is not bloody and traumatic, so they will probably be OK. If the rooster gets flappy and squacky, then they may get upset.
I culled a feral rooster today (not part of my flock) using the broomstick method and I wasn't even thinking about my flock when I did it. Two of my flock few over the fence (they were also in the trap I pulled him from, so they were scared from the trap and from his panicked squawking). I, um, accidentally pulled his whole head off when I killed him instead of just severing the spinal cord. The two that are too fat to fly over the fence stayed far away. I wonder if they were frightened of the flopping, headless body?? They were skittish when I tried to feed them treats later--while they ate out of my hand, they did NOT let me pick them up, even though they usually do.

I'm hoping they'll calm down and forget soon. I recommend killing your birds where your flock can't see you just in case though.

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