Little chick- what is he? yellow but wings with white and brown/black

Hey everyone! i've been away for a week and i've come back and cant believe how huge he is!!

He's got lots of feathers now too and im pretty sure he's a RIR boy. ive taken pics by my personal computer is broken and wont be fixed for a couple of days, so ill post the pics then for you to clarify for me

Thanks so much for the help, i'm still hoping i can weasel my parents into agreeing to keep him. I'm wanting to move out of home but just cannot afford it so i have to agree with their verdict in the end. im terrified if we give him away he will be eaten!!

so now i have some piccies of my muffin for you all! he's gotten soo big and beautiful now, i think he's the most beautiful chicken ever ( i may be biased

3 days ago (he's even bigger with more fearhers now!)

isnt he pretty! i got that pic of his back for you to check out the feathers. im thinking boy. what do you all think?
I could be wrong but the tail looks hen-ish to me. Especially if it is a RIR. My RIR Roo's didn't have tails at that age. And they had a definate comb coming out.
^^ he's got a comb coming out, i can never get a pic of it though because he moves so much and is obsessed with the camera haha. but ill try and get some more photos tonight. Interesting about the tail though!
IMO....thats not a RiR you got there., The pinky white legs are throwing me off....i dunno what it is..but good luck and i hope you can keep it.
I would guess a hen. If I could get my crappy little digicam to work I would show you my hens. They are about the size of that one.
Thanks for the responses guys! i managed to get a good photo of his comb. keep in mind he's probably nearly 5 weeks old.

and a fun photo of him when he jumped on my friends head today. You can see the size of him and how his tail has gotten quite big.

anyone more decisive on whether he's a roo or hen?
Sorry can't tell. Wait a few more weeks and it will be easier to tell. If comb and waddles keep growing and get much redder I would say roo. I don't know, the tail is throwing me off.
Well, if "he's" 5 weeks, he probably will start crowing soon. Another way to tell if it's a boy or girl is by the feathers growing in around the neck...the "hackles". A boy's will be pointy and a girl's are round on the tips. He looks like a she to me but it's hard to tell because the pics are so small. Can you post larger ones?

Hey ellen! thanks for the reply.

The pics are just thumbnails, if you click on them you'll get a much larger version. Ill have to have a looksie at his back feathers in the morning to see what they're like. Its promising that everyone so far is leaning towards hen though!

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