Look what I found at a auction....small home made bator

I have one just like that but bigger. I keep 2 60 watt bulbs in there, so you're bulbs may be a bit large for it. I also added 2 cpu fans to mine and that helped tons. Once I get it regulated temp mine runs spot on. I do tend to have some trouble with the humidity level those last few days, but otherwise I love it.

I don't know if you can tell the size from this, but here's mine. I've painted it a beautiful shade of yellow since this pic.

showme------ I was thinking about putting smaller bulbs in it and givin that a try. There is a 52 watt bulb in it, I have never seen one of them before. I like the turner in yours. This one is 14" high and 12" wide. I never thought of a fan, may have to try that out as well.
The fans are nice and relatively cheap, if I recall correctly I got both of them for $5 at the used computer parts store. Just needed to get a plug/transformer thingy to make them work. I bet hubby wishes I knew what charger I cut up to create that.
I'm not sure of the measurements on this one, we started out with one about the same size as yours but I wanted to add the turner so I could put in more eggs and because I could never seem to remember to turn the eggs. Oops!

I'm thinkin' hubby said something about light bulbs having odd watts on them. Been a while since I've purchased a regular bulb, we use those spiral ones in everything here. Hummm wonder if I should stock up before they are no longer available.

Can never have to many incubators, can ya.
We dont have any of them spiral light bulbs yet. In no hurry to get any really. I hate the looks of them.

I have a old small wooden table top one, a big wooden floor model one,[ heats by kerosen] old round metal one, this little one, a real small one that only holds like 3 chicken eggs, a small turn-x, a big old red wood,[ i use this one], 2 foam ones, [ i hate them]. I have more, just cant remember what they are right now. They are out in the garage and dont see them everyday.

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