Losing feathers


In the Brooder
Aug 2, 2022
I have an 8 year old Buff in with my 2 year old chickens (8). The chickens are getting bald from losing feathers. It's not a parasite because the buff looks great and a couple of the hens also. I suspect that the buff-dominant even over the rooster-is pulling out feathers when they roost at night. What's the chance that I'm correct? These aren't just feathers around the neck, they are all over. She does demonsrate her dominance in the peck order much of the time.
Very likely feather pecking I had a problem. Try anti peck spray and put things in run for them to do and forage I buy whole.cabbages hang them in a net keeps them busy for hours and they seem to stop pecking as much xx hope this helps

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