Love to hang out with my best friend!! ~open to all chickens, turkeys, waterfowl and peafowl!~ end d


7 Years
May 31, 2012
Everyone has their favorite bird, the one that makes your day just a little brighter than all the rest, that special one that is the first to greet you when you go out to feed them in the morning <3 i want to see all of your best bird friends!! Be creative! (can have you in it ect!!!)

1. Only one post per entry (may make mutiple entries of DIFFERENT birds)
2. only 3 pictures per entry
3. please post in this format
*name of bird* (best friends have names!)
*breed and age and gender of bird* (if known)
*what makes them special*
4. Be creative!
5. Most of all have fun!!

1. Chickens (any age any gender)
2. Waterfowl (any age any gender)
3. Turkeys (any age, any gender p.s. I have a coworker who used to have a pet turkey, adorable yet sad story, but I digress)
4. peafowl (any age, any gender)

There is a prize for each catagory, which is a copy (sorry cant make myself part with the originals) of winners choice of a drawing done by me :) I could use some judges PM me if you would like to participate (however judges may not enter seems....biased) So I can judge myself if no one voulenteers will update this portion later :)

Have fun guys!!!!!!!
  • Category: Chicken
  • Name: Drumstick
  • Coloration/Breed/Gender/Age: Black Cochin Hen, 2 yrs
  • What Makes This Chicken Standout: She fits to the ABA standard of perfection pretty spot on, while she lacks heavy foot feathering she makes up for in balance and fullness along with natural oils that are a strong sign of her good health. Not to mention she is my little lap buddy when I'm getting ready for for a show.



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* Category: Chicken
* Name: Iris
* Easter Egger/Pullet/About 15 weeks (not sure what you'd call her coloration, please feel free to tell me?)
* My favorite bird is our quirky Easter Egger named Iris. Besides the fact that she resembles a hawk, she is beyond friendly. I believe she thinks she is one of my dogs?!? She is always on the middle of things - She loves anyone and everything. Will sit on your lap, follow you around - Just an amazing chicken with a great personality.

*Category* Turkeys
*Name of bird* Barney
*Breed, age, and gender of bird* Barney is a Broadbreasted Bronze turkey, he is 1 1/2 years old, and is a gorgeous tom.
*What makes them special* Barney is a big ol' sweetheart. :) Although he's a bit slower than the other turkeys and birds on the farm, he is always right up at the front of the flock to greet me. He hits his head against my leg when I have watermelon or grapes, because they're his favorite. I know he won't be around much longer, but I cherish him while he's here. Barney is also very goofy, and is constantly 'running' in terror from my bantam rooster.
MUMBLE! (R.I.P) age 1 year , but younger in pics he is a baby boy scots dumpyX rir! and i incubated , and hatched him myself , then reared him , he never mixed with the others , always like he was glued 2 me! slept in my bed , ate on the couch , watched TV etc....i love him and always will! :') baby boy i miss you , but always love you he makes me feel special , because he really did love me to!

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