Lump under gosling’s beak


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2017
This morning I noticed a strange lump had appeared under the bill of one of my Chinese goslings. It simply looks like a little bulge in the fleshy part that I guess you would call her “chin.” I haven’t found many pictures of goslings her age (2-3 weeks or so) that have this sort of appearance, and her brooder mate doesn’t seem to have it though it is hard to tell since the fluff under his chin is currently wet from drinking water.


It seems to be perfectly centered under her chin, and just seems to feel fleshy. Is this a normal part of goose development that I’ve just never seen or is it some sort of growth? (I am VERY new to geese so I am a bit pressed to make sure they don’t end up with any issues)
Where did you acquire her? Are you sure about her breed?

Actual African geese develop low hanging dewlaps under their chin which might be what you're seeing.

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Although I was told she is a Chinese goose, I got them from a neighbor who ordered them from a hatchery, so it is highly possible she is part African goose. I didn’t know how young goslings are when they first start growing them but if that’s a possibility I am very relieved!

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