Mom died by Hawk, left me nine orphan babies


Apr 2, 2023
So I had this Mama hen. Her name was Fauna who just hatched nine little chicks three days ago, unfortunately for her, she was attacked by a hawk early this morning. When I went outside, she was already gone and the babies were scattered underneath my porch and some in bushes, but thankfully, I found all of her chicks. They were scared, but unharmed, they were miracle birds already when she managed to hatch all of them in below freezing weather but now they managed to survive a hawk attack too. So I guess my question is how do I take care of nine little chicks? They keep peeping for their mom. I was wondering if I could make another bird a Mama somehow? I have one bird that’s already broody and sitting on the nest, but when I tried to introduce her to the chicks she pecked at them so I pulled her away. I also have another mama bird that just hatched a baby two months ago but I’m wondering if that’s too long to try and introduce her to new chicks now when she’s almost finished raising her other baby? She’s a great mom but I don’t know if she’ll take care of birds that aren’t hers? if anybody has some opinions/suggestions please let me know. Thank you!


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How could the other hens act so rude when there is orphans involved? I am so sorry for your loss and feel so bad for chickies! 😭
If all the other hens haven't taken them in, you are going to have to raise them yourself as said above. Your going to need a brooder, chick water & feeder, etc.
If you need instructions on how to care for chicks I have all the information you need to know... that is if you want it! :) Plus, I don't want to make this post too long. :)
I am so sorry for your loss! Do you have a brooder that you can put them in? A heat plate would be preferable over a heat lamp if you have one, as they are safer, they do not have a light that flickers (chickens see in slow motion), and chicks that are raised by a dam will be more comforted by the heat plate than a lamp. Also, don't try to introduce them to a broody if she does not want to take care of chicks that are not hers. Broodies can and will kill chicks if they want to raise their own instead and see the orphaned chicks as a weakness and a problem that needs to be fixed.
I have had the same problem with kittens. The other cats reject the babies. It's as if they are saying "Go home, your mama's worried". Given enough time, they do accept the orphans. With chicks, I don't know.

All you need is a large cardboard box, some newspaper, and a light. Since it is cold, you'll want them inside. If your garage is heated they can be there. I like using my office. I have used the garage, but I have in-floor heating.
How could the other hens act so rude when there is orphans involved? I am so sorry for your loss and feel so bad for chickies! 😭
If all the other hens haven't taken them in, you are going to have to raise them yourself as said above. Your going to need a brooder, chick water & feeder, etc.
If you need instructions on how to care for chicks I have all the information you need to know... that is if you want it! :) Plus, I don't want to make this post too long. :)
Thank you for your support and love! I put the little birds in a cardboard box and have a heat lamp about 2or 3 feet above it in a spare room, I have. They are on a soft blanket, cuddled up, and sleeping together

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