Most quiet breed and a good layer?


9 Years
Aug 21, 2010
I am looking at a chicken breed that is quiet (we have neighbors very close) and also a very good egg layer. I plan on only getting hens and am considering Buff Opringtons or Barred Rocks.

Thanks for any advice!
I'll say this to anyone - If you're getting them from a feedstore or hatchery, ANY common breed offered will lay lots of eggs and be of normal quietness. It is what they are bred and sold for.

The list you can do fine with are:

Sex Links
Production Reds
Buff Orpingtons
Black Australorps
Barred Rocks
New Hampshires
Easter Eggers

Really, the only "noisy" breed I've known are Brahmas and the occasional Araucana, which you don't need to worry about because real Araucanas are very rare.
My RIR and Leghorn are noisy in the hen house. Girls argue about the nesting boxes, all the time almost every day. Don't put either one on your list.

My BR is a quiet layer but wants to hog a nest for hours every day. They like to go broody, she can't decide.
My NHR is another quiet layer and lays her egg and off she goes.

Good luck and enjoy.
I have a black sexlink Susan that never shuts up. She always sounds like someone is chocking her. If she sees me she starts squawking. She does this if she is hungry or wants out of the run and most of the time when she needs nothing. I have Buffs Astraulorps EE's Cuckoo Maran and Red sexlink. She is the only loud one. My Cuckoo Maran went Broody at 6 months. PS I got them all from Hatcheries.
I would reccomend:

New Hamptire Reds
Black Astrolorp
These breeds are good layers and do not make very much noise.

Do not get:
Speckled Sussex
These two breeds lay well in my expierience but are very noisy.

If you would like any more info on any of these breeds just let me know.
I think that their vocalness might have more to do with their personalities than their breeds. I have a Buff Orpington that has a really deep voice (I call her Lauren Becall) but seldom cackles. They're really nice chickens with rather mellow personalities. We have a Barred Rock that "whines" a lot. Especially if we are out in the yard. I have to tell her to "hush". She just want attention. The EE only cackles when she lays an egg. The Wyandottes are quiet but not as tame as the others and the RIR is quiet. Probably because she is always busy eating. I hope you find the hens you are looking for. Best of luck!

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