My chicks are getting bloody rear ends and dying.

awesome news! Glad you were able to get the answers you needed. I hope you have a problem free chicken keeping experience from here on out.
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I have a Serama chick with one bloody spot on its rear end and nothing else. It hasn't been in contact with other chicks. It came out of the incubator that way. It was really loud and sounded like it was in distress, so I pulled it out even though he was still wet. He is under a black bulb heat lamp. I'm hoping it will dry up and he will fluff up and I can put him with the other chicks if it turns into a scab. But what is this? I have never seen anything like it. He was pipping for a long time, about 24 hours, I could hear him peeping, and no pips, but then all of a sudden he was out. could this be the umbilical chord? I wont put him with the other chicks till I'm sure they won't peck at him. I hope it dries up soon. But what could it be? I did not pull the shell away from him he had already kicked it away. There was some blood in the shell, but the normal amount. Not anything out of the ordinary.

Also, a mille fleur d'uccle chick hatched in the same incubator about thirty minutes before the bloody one and seems fine.
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I have a Serama chick with one bloody spot on its rear end and nothing else. It hasn't been in contact with other chicks. It came out of the incubator that way. It was really loud and sounded like it was in distress, so I pulled it out even though he was still wet. He is under a black bulb heat lamp. I'm hoping it will dry up and he will fluff up and I can put him with the other chicks if it turns into a scab. But what is this? I have never seen anything like it. He was pipping for a long time, about 24 hours, I could hear him peeping, and no pips, but then all of a sudden he was out. could this be the umbilical chord? I wont put him with the other chicks till I'm sure they won't peck at him. I hope it dries up soon. But what could it be? I did not pull the shell away from him he had already kicked it away. There was some blood in the shell, but the normal amount. Not anything out of the ordinary.

Also, a mille fleur d'uccle chick hatched in the same incubator about thirty minutes before the bloody one and seems fine.

Can you post some photos of the spot?
It has dried up. I just checked on him and it was completely dry and the down (feathers) were covering it. I kept him on a paper towel so I could gauge how much blood he lost and there were quite a few spots but its gone now. Could it have been his umbilical chord? Maybe he kicked the shell off with more force than was necessary, or it got caught on something. and ripped off too soon. I didn't have time to put the shelf liner down before they started hatching, so the chicks hatched on the wire that covers the plastic trough that has the reservoir for water. I have two incubators going and they are hatching at the same time! Has that for timing? I've got peeps coming at me from both directions.

These things happen so quickly, sometimes you don't have time to catch it on film. I was more concerned with getting it out of the incubator because he was peeping so loudly I thought he was in distress. Its not normal to do that is it? I mean peeping is okay but loud non stop peeping so much so that the dogs are getting nervous? My big Pyrenees has licked a hole in her paw from all the stress! I'm really ready for a strong drink, but I know I've got to keep my wits about me. This looks like a long night of hand wringing.
It has dried up. I just checked on him and it was completely dry and the down (feathers) were covering it. I kept him on a paper towel so I could gauge how much blood he lost and there were quite a few spots but its gone now. Could it have been his umbilical chord? Maybe he kicked the shell off with more force than was necessary, or it got caught on something. and ripped off too soon. I didn't have time to put the shelf liner down before they started hatching, so the chicks hatched on the wire that covers the plastic trough that has the reservoir for water. I have two incubators going and they are hatching at the same time! Has that for timing? I've got peeps coming at me from both directions.

These things happen so quickly, sometimes you don't have time to catch it on film. I was more concerned with getting it out of the incubator because he was peeping so loudly I thought he was in distress. Its not normal to do that is it? I mean peeping is okay but loud non stop peeping so much so that the dogs are getting nervous? My big Pyrenees has licked a hole in her paw from all the stress! I'm really ready for a strong drink, but I know I've got to keep my wits about me. This looks like a long night of hand wringing.

Glad to hear he's doing better.
I'm not an expert on hatching in any sense, but the umbilical is usually still attached and will drop off later on. Possibly could have been from that. Just keep an eye on him.

No, they should peep, but not that distressed. Poor dogs, I'm sure they will wring hands with you all night.

You're doing good. For more help if need be, you can also post on the incubating/hatching eggs forum. Those peeps over there know their stuff.

Keep us posted and good luck!

The Serama with the bloody butt is on the left-all healed. Mille Fleur d'Uccle is in the middle and Japanese Bantam is top right. I still hear peeping in the incubators but this is what I have so far. It seems they are spaced so far apart. I wish they hatched all together but I guess that's too much to ask.

The Serama with the bloody butt is on the left-all healed. Mille Fleur d'Uccle is in the middle and Japanese Bantam is top right. I still hear peeping in the incubators but this is what I have so far. It seems they are spaced so far apart. I wish they hatched all together but I guess that's too much to ask.

Such sweet babies!
I do hope all goes well with the others.

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