My Chick's rectum seems to be protruding


Oct 3, 2016
I received new chicks a week ago. My easter egger had some slight pasting, and was cleaned. But since then, I have been keeping a close eye on her. Her rectum seems to be protruding, but she is still eating and pooping fine. I keep her hind parts clean, to make sure that she has no more pasty butt, her poop seems to stick around, literally. Is there anything that I can do about this, or does it even matter? I am looking forward to them growing, hoping that it will correct itself. Should I be worried or no?
Swelling or even full prolapse of the vent in a tiny chick may be due to constipation. The fact the chick is pooping means it isn't totally plugged up, but may be having issues anyway. It would be a good idea to get some mineral oil inside this chick, and smooth some coconut oil on the vent to help sooth and heal it.

Since a baby chick doesn't have the experience to know mineral oil from water, the easiest way to get a dose of oil into the chick is to hold a tiny container of oil under its beak until it takes a healthy sip. That should be enough to do the trick.

If the vent continues to protrude, try PrepH on the delicate tissue.
Thank you so much, I will try this. I am worried that I may have to put it down. Though the protruding tissue is not major, I wonder if it would be a problem
Is this chick acting lethargic? Not eating? Not pooping? Sleeping all the time? When it's awake, is it as active as the others?

Try the Preparation H hemorrhoid cream on the protruding vent. That should shrink it back to normal.
No, the chick is as active and growing as fast as the others. He is pooping and eating. When he chirps, the protruding area seems to be pushing our, like a hemorrhoid. However, it looks a little better. She does have a little scab around it, byt is still pooping ok. I am dipping her butt in warm watet and wiping it clean, to make sure it stays free of poop. But, ovwrall, she doesnt seem to be in distress.

Side queation, is the rectum the same as the vent or are they two different orifices?
The vent is the rectum, also know as the cloaca in chickens. It doesn't take much irritation to inflame and swell the vent in small chicks. Therefore, if you can avoid rubbing it, it should get back to normal quicker. Coconut oil usually heals and helps shrink the tissue, but Prep H would be worth a try to see if you can shrink it down faster.

As long as the chick is behaving in a normal fashion, this vent problem should be a temporary issue. No need to contemplate culling at this point.

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