My First Silkie is about to hatch her first clutch!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 22, 2012
Im a proud mom(grandmom)lol to be,my first silkie Hen is about to hatch the babies,a few more days and we will have little ones running around.This is awesome,my chickens come to me by name and my rooster will make you die laughing(bulley)but I love him.
Thanks, Im very nervous but I have faith she will do a great job,she went broody on me 4 weeks ago and had no eggs cause I took them all,then my other hen started laying and I took her eggs and gave them to trixie and shes been sitting and sitting,I candled 2 weeks ago and all way fertile.Hope we get more solid whites like mom,I guess we will call Trixie a stepmom,lol.
Sure will,cant wait.
She gets paid with mealworms and grubs,lol. She done something this morning that made me mad at first but Her being a mother she must new something was wrong because after the third chick hatched this morning,she pushed it aside and took her other two chicks and moved to the other side of the coop away from eggs and third baby.My eldery mom went to check on chick around noon because im at work and the chick was dead.But I guess she new something was wrong with chick but it broke my heart.Took rest of eggs and put in incurbator.WE shall see if we get anymore,but Trixie said **** women two kids are enough,lol.

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