My flocks of Sussex, some other purebreds, and lots of young mixes


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Jul 3, 2022
NSW Australia
I thought I would start a my flock thread, so here it goes.

My very first chicken was Mister doodle, a Light Sussex Cockerel. Great choice, I know, starting with a 6 month old cockerel, but it actually worked out great!
He is now around 2 and a half years old.
On the same day we got him (but a bit later in the day) we got two Cuckoo Orpington pullets.
One isn't around anymore (she sadly got water belly at only around a year old) but the other is one of my favorite hens

I then got a pair of RIR pullets, but only have one now.
She is a good hen, and one of the only ones that don't go broody all the time.

And than the last of the grown birds I got, were two Sussex pullets, one Light
and one Coronation
That is all of the chickens that I had for the first half a year of chicken keeping.
Than Mrs. Sussex, as I called the Coronation sussex, went broody.
Of the chicks she hatched I still have three (the others were cockerels that went to freezer camp)
There is this Light Sussex
a light Sussex x RIR hen who I don't have a photo of handy, and George, who is a very handsome rooster.

That was stage two of my chickening!
George, whose mother was the Cuckoo Orp (or Orp 1, as she is known) just stood out from the rest as a cockerel. Very independent, big and brave, and never showed any signs of sneaky behaver.
Just a little high spirited when he was a teen.
I kept him on his own for a bit as he grew up, and then my dad built me a second coop.
George moved in, along with Orp 1 and the RIR.
Sadly I don't have any pics from that time.
Yeah, when you get around to it I would be interested. Meet Henry. He's pretty solid too.
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I'll do that! To you have any idea of the best way to weigh him? Maybe in a cardboard box....I'm not sure what he would think of that though.
he is a good boy once he's caught so it shouldn't be too hard.
Edited I meant to say that Henry is very good looking!
I'll do that! To you have any idea of the best way to weigh him? Maybe in a cardboard box....I'm not sure what he would think of that though.
he is a good boy once he's caught so it shouldn't be too hard.
Edited I meant to say that Henry is very good looking!
You can try holding him and weighting yourself on bathroom scales. Then let him go and weight yourself without him, subtract your weight from the combined weight and you should have his rough weight.
I love your sussex :love
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At this point I'm starting to get a bit mixed up with what happened in what order (chicken math strikes!) but the first light Sussex hen (Chicky-pie) went broody, but none of the eggs hatched. Not wanting her to have been sitting for so long to no avail, we got her six 3 week old chicks from a breeder. (in hindsight, a not very good breeder)
Three SS and three Buff Orps.
I ended up with one SS pullet and two BO pullets.
You can see them in this recent pic, along with some others from Georges flock.

One of the BO hens has got a bad case of wry tail, and the other seems to have gone blind in one eye. I'm not quite sure what is up with her, Mareks is a possibility, but I'm more inclined to something genetic?
The SS is very healthy, and quite a character!

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