Neighbors dog in coop


Crossing the Road
May 10, 2020
Chester, Nova Scotia
My Coop
My Coop
This afternoon I had been sitting out on the deck, listening to music, having a drink, and enjoying the beautiful day. It was pretty hot out and I had been out for a couple of hours so I decided to come inside. Before I went in, I walked up to where my 10 littles were relaxing in the shade, dust bathing and just escaping the heat the best way they could. I always do a head count on them before I go in the house, just to make sure everyone is present and accounted for. I noticed my 5 big chickens were hanging out in the shade of our trailer.

I went inside, walked in the bedroom, turned on the tv and laid on the bed, then I heard my rooster Phillip freaking out. I have never heard him make these noises before. I looked out the window and saw him in the yard flapping and screaming. Then something caught my eye in the chicken coop, the neighbor's dog. I ran out of the house and screamed at it, ran back inside to put my shoes on, in the 2 seconds this took, the dog had come out of the coop and down by the house. In one motion I grabbed a big walking stick that I had leaning against the house, jumped off the deck and ran after the dog screaming at it the whole time. It took off running across the yard and back to it's own house. I am sure I looked like an absolute lunatic while this was happening.

When it crossed over the small path that leads from their property to ours the youngest daughter (who is maybe 10-12) got the brunt of my rage. Now let me say I know it's not her fault, she's a kid. It's not even the dogs fault. It's the tit owners who don't control their dog. We had many problems with this dog coming onto our property last year. The chickens weren't on our property then as we were just building our house and to be fair, I have not seen this dog at our place since last year (when a friend of ours chased it back while holding a 4in piece of PVC piping. And this friend is a giant bear of a man.)

Once it was back in it's yard I turned and went to check my birds. Phillip was still screaming, he was up on our deck hiding behind the bbq. I picked him up but he just panicked. I then heard one of the girls screaming down in front of the house. I went and got her and carried her back up to Phillip, he calmed down once he saw his favorite girl. Then I went back up by the coop and called for the other 3 big girls. The 2 white girls came running from under our deck and idk where Berta was hiding but she came waddling out from near the woods.

Then I had to go check the littles. I found them hiding behind a brush pile. 9/10. I counted again. 9/10. I kept counting thinking I was miss counting but no, my JG hen was missing. I walked through the woods the whole time cursing, thinking if I find her dead, she's going on their doorstep and they owe me a hen. My husband arrived home shortly after this all went down and he helped me look. Then our niece and her boyfriend showed up and they helped look too. We couldn't find her, but I also didn't see evidence anywhere of an attack, no puffs of feathers laying around.

We went in the house and after an hour or so visit with our niece and nephew-in-law we went back out and all 10 came waddling out of the woods. Everyone was present and accounted for and unharmed.

My major rage is with the owners. They never come to get the dog themselves. They always send the kids. They never have once come to apologize. This dog has been aggressive with us in the past. Now that it knows we will chase it with large objects, it doesn't get aggressive anymore, it runs. I have screamed at their kids, they haven't even come over to tell me not to speak to their kids like that! I know I should not yell at the kids but in my moment of rage from this beast being in our yard, I just lose it.

What can I do? These people don't listen and they don't get the hint. They are very irresponsible dog owners, and clearly irresponsible parents, if they allow some crazy woman to scream and their kids. We have 2 dogs, our dogs do not go in their yard. Our dogs don't leave our property. If they did I would take measures to make sure they didn't. I'm considerate like that. Our dogs don't bother our chickens. They can be our=tside laying on the deck or playing all day, we don't even put collars on them. We spent the time training them. I am just so frustrated.

Here are a couple of pictures I took of the littles just before this all went down.

This afternoon I had been sitting out on the deck, listening to music, having a drink, and enjoying the beautiful day. It was pretty hot out and I had been out for a couple of hours so I decided to come inside. Before I went in, I walked up to where my 10 littles were relaxing in the shade, dust bathing and just escaping the heat the best way they could. I always do a head count on them before I go in the house, just to make sure everyone is present and accounted for. I noticed my 5 big chickens were hanging out in the shade of our trailer.

I went inside, walked in the bedroom, turned on the tv and laid on the bed, then I heard my rooster Phillip freaking out. I have never heard him make these noises before. I looked out the window and saw him in the yard flapping and screaming. Then something caught my eye in the chicken coop, the neighbor's dog. I ran out of the house and screamed at it, ran back inside to put my shoes on, in the 2 seconds this took, the dog had come out of the coop and down by the house. In one motion I grabbed a big walking stick that I had leaning against the house, jumped off the deck and ran after the dog screaming at it the whole time. It took off running across the yard and back to it's own house. I am sure I looked like an absolute lunatic while this was happening.

When it crossed over the small path that leads from their property to ours the youngest daughter (who is maybe 10-12) got the brunt of my rage. Now let me say I know it's not her fault, she's a kid. It's not even the dogs fault. It's the tit owners who don't control their dog. We had many problems with this dog coming onto our property last year. The chickens weren't on our property then as we were just building our house and to be fair, I have not seen this dog at our place since last year (when a friend of ours chased it back while holding a 4in piece of PVC piping. And this friend is a giant bear of a man.)

Once it was back in it's yard I turned and went to check my birds. Phillip was still screaming, he was up on our deck hiding behind the bbq. I picked him up but he just panicked. I then heard one of the girls screaming down in front of the house. I went and got her and carried her back up to Phillip, he calmed down once he saw his favorite girl. Then I went back up by the coop and called for the other 3 big girls. The 2 white girls came running from under our deck and idk where Berta was hiding but she came waddling out from near the woods.

Then I had to go check the littles. I found them hiding behind a brush pile. 9/10. I counted again. 9/10. I kept counting thinking I was miss counting but no, my JG hen was missing. I walked through the woods the whole time cursing, thinking if I find her dead, she's going on their doorstep and they owe me a hen. My husband arrived home shortly after this all went down and he helped me look. Then our niece and her boyfriend showed up and they helped look too. We couldn't find her, but I also didn't see evidence anywhere of an attack, no puffs of feathers laying around.

We went in the house and after an hour or so visit with our niece and nephew-in-law we went back out and all 10 came waddling out of the woods. Everyone was present and accounted for and unharmed.

My major rage is with the owners. They never come to get the dog themselves. They always send the kids. They never have once come to apologize. This dog has been aggressive with us in the past. Now that it knows we will chase it with large objects, it doesn't get aggressive anymore, it runs. I have screamed at their kids, they haven't even come over to tell me not to speak to their kids like that! I know I should not yell at the kids but in my moment of rage from this beast being in our yard, I just lose it.

What can I do? These people don't listen and they don't get the hint. They are very irresponsible dog owners, and clearly irresponsible parents, if they allow some crazy woman to scream and their kids. We have 2 dogs, our dogs do not go in their yard. Our dogs don't leave our property. If they did I would take measures to make sure they didn't. I'm considerate like that. Our dogs don't bother our chickens. They can be our=tside laying on the deck or playing all day, we don't even put collars on them. We spent the time training them. I am just so frustrated.

Here are a couple of pictures I took of the littles just before this all went down.

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I’m so sorry that happened. I wish I had some words of wisdom but I don’t. I can’t even count how many times I’ve complained about neighbors and their pets. I spend a great deal of time training my dogs, they never ever leave our yard. It frustrates me when stray dogs and cats come and attack the squirrels and bunnies and birds... my ducks are learning to keep an extra close watch these days. It’s sad. I just wanted you to know you’re not alone in that struggle!
I’m so sorry that happened. I wish I had some words of wisdom but I don’t. I can’t even count how many times I’ve complained about neighbors and their pets. I spend a great deal of time training my dogs, they never ever leave our yard. It frustrates me when stray dogs and cats come and attack the squirrels and bunnies and birds... my ducks are learning to keep an extra close watch these days. It’s sad. I just wanted you to know you’re not alone in that struggle!
Thank you! I know countless other BYC members have and have had this issue. I really just needed a place to vent my rant! Thankfully it turned out ok this time, no birds were hurt. But next time they might not be so lucky. Next time I might not be home. I do keep my birds penned when we aren't home but the pen to our littles is not secure as it is a temporary situation. Now that he knows there is a fun target over hear I worry he will come back sooner than later. And he is a big dog! He's a big hound mix of some kind. He's much taller than our 60lb pittie boy. Even when I know he's in the yard, I make sure our dogs go right in the house, I don't want any squabbles between them, Idk if he's dog friendly but if a fight were to happen I don't want my dogs getting the blame and bad rap because of their breed. So I worry about my birds and my dogs because of this hell beast.
Thank you! I know countless other BYC members have and have had this issue. I really just needed a place to vent my rant! Thankfully it turned out ok this time, no birds were hurt. But next time they might not be so lucky. Next time I might not be home. I do keep my birds penned when we aren't home but the pen to our littles is not secure as it is a temporary situation. Now that he knows there is a fun target over hear I worry he will come back sooner than later. And he is a big dog! He's a big hound mix of some kind. He's much taller than our 60lb pittie boy. Even when I know he's in the yard, I make sure our dogs go right in the house, I don't want any squabbles between them, Idk if he's dog friendly but if a fight were to happen I don't want my dogs getting the blame and bad rap because of their breed. So I worry about my birds and my dogs because of this hell beast.

I completely understand. I don’t know if I could handle it if something happened to one of my dogs.. so I agree with you to bring them inside immediately. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it, and best of luck.
Report them to animal control. They need to realize how serious the issue is. Animal control will give them a warning. If it happens again they can lose the dog. You can always tell owners that you will be reporting them if it happens again. Maybe that will be enough to get them to see it’s a problem. I also love the idea of putting up electric fencing!
Have you talked to them, when you aren't in a rage? You'd think they would have some idea that there's a problem, but maybe meeting them would make a difference. Maybe.
Electric fencing is your friend!
And make your coop and run as predator proof as possible, because this dog won't be your only visiting predator. 'Temporary' won't help if those chicks get killed out there!
This dog will certainly keep coming back, unless these idiot neighbors manage him as they should. Having AC visit might help, as mentioned. It's too bad this dog will pay for their poor behavior.
Again, electric fencing! And bait it to start.
Have you talked to them, when you aren't in a rage? You'd think they would have some idea that there's a problem, but maybe meeting them would make a difference. Maybe.
Electric fencing is your friend!
And make your coop and run as predator proof as possible, because this dog won't be your only visiting predator. 'Temporary' won't help if those chicks get killed out there!
This dog will certainly keep coming back, unless these idiot neighbors manage him as they should. Having AC visit might help, as mentioned. It's too bad this dog will pay for their poor behavior.
Again, electric fencing! And bait it to start.
Hi Mary,

No, I haven't actually talked to them, we never see the parents except for that one time last summer! They know there is a problem, after our friend chased him back last summer, they at least started sending him to doggy daycare a couple of times a week. I know this because I did speak to the animal control officer, who also happens to run the doggy daycare with his wife (and they think he is a great dog).
I know our current fencing situation is very poor and that we need to improve it. We have plans of giving them a hardware mesh-covered hoop coop, but that won't happen for a couple more months. Sadly we are gambling on it right now.
I am still looking at electric fencing options, funds for it are just tight at the moment. For now I have been making huge piles of brush along the perimeter of our property where he has been coming though, I'm attempting to band-aid the situation until I can do something better.
If we see the dog in the yard again I just need to attempt to remain calm, get him leashed and call animal control to come get him.

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