New Quail mom

Quail Buddy

In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2024
Hi, I’ve been reading for weeks, finally joined, I received 7 coturnix 1 week old quail 5.5 weeks ago, and rescued 3 year old jumbo quail 5 days later. My babies are almost 7 wks, 3 rescued hens just now a year. Ive built acquail tractor, 2 actually and Im moving then morning and night outside from their shop bldg and back. 3 rescued hens have finished molting, Im supplementing starter feed with meal worms, also giving probiotics and ground eggshell with oatmeal. Still no eggs from big hens. Can anyone suggest if my moving them twice a day is keeping them too stressed to lay??

Thanks, Quail Buddy
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Quail are so much fun to keep! I always kept my quail in aviaries and never moved them around, so I can't be sure, but I would think the hens will get used to the routine and continue to lay once they are comfortable. Coturnix aren't nest box layers and lay anywhere anyway so I think this would work. Best wishes!

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